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发布时间:2023-09-30 02:06:15

[单项选择]A. To win his game in baseball. B. To be a professional in baseball.
C. To meet a living being from another planet. D. To be able to read science fictions every day.

更多"A. To win his game in baseball. "的相关试题:

[单项选择]What did the man and his father think of the game
A. They liked the game very much.
B. The game wasn’t very exciting.
C. It was bad to leave at the half time.
[单项选择]It is obvious that he will win the game.
A. likely
B. possible
C. clear
D. probable
[单项选择]The win ______ glorious memories of his championship-winning days.
A. retreated
B. reassured
C. released
D. revived
[单项选择]A. The woman should wear his scarf to the game.
B. It will be cold at the game.
C. The woman should borrow another sweater.
D. He’I1 go home and get another scarf.

Ultimately, the better team did not win the game()

A. Eventually
B. Fortunately
C. Occasionally
D. Presumably
[单项选择]Man: Though we didn’t win the game, we were satisfied with our performance.
Woman: You did a great job, you almost beat the world champions. It s a real surprise to many people.
Question: What do we learn from this conversation()。
A. They both enjoyed watching the game.
B. The man thought the results were beyond their expectations.
C. They both felt good about the results of the game.
D. People were surprised at their wining the game.
[单项选择]A. Let him win a tennis game.
B. Help him finish his history project.
C. Give him some medicine for his stomach.
D. Lend him her history book.
[单项选择]A. Let him win a tennis game. B. Help him finish his anthropology project.
C. Give him some medicine for his stomach. D. Lend him her anthropology book.
[填空题]He sold his old car to one of his friends.
His old car ______ to one of his friends.

[单项选择]A. His mother. B. His father.
C. His child. D. Himself.
[单项选择]His listeners enjoyed his ______ wit but his victims often ______ at its satire.
A. lugubrious...suffered
B. caustic...laughed
C. kindly...smarted
D. subtle...smiled
E. trenchant...winced
[单项选择]A. His dining card B. His bus fare. C. His lunch D. His wallet.
[单项选择]His continual severe financial problems kept his mother in a ______ state of anxiety.

A. perpetual
B. eternal
C. everlasting
D. usual
[单项选择]His strange behavior confirmed his neighbors in their______ that he was guilty.
A. suspicion
B. doubt
C. estimate
D. imagination


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