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发布时间:2023-12-08 21:31:35

[判断题]Demographics can be used to identify a target market.

更多"Demographics can be used to identif"的相关试题:

[单项选择]TV, if properly used, can ( ) a child’s imagination.
A. arise
B. incite
C. invoke
D. stimulate
[单项选择]Mark used to wear all the following EXCEPT______.
A. short hair.
B. glasses.
C. moustache.
D. beard.
[填空题]The target language is used ______ in the Direct Method classroom as a means of instruction and communication.
[填空题]A single collection of ants can generally be used for both taxonomic and ecological purposes.

[填空题]The range of milk fat used in ice cream can go ______________________________.
[填空题]We can infer from the passage that the author used to take a more ______ attitude towards the digital divide.

[单项选择]No grade can be used to define what we learn about ourselves when we reflect on our life experiences.()
A. 我们重新思考生活经验、了解自我的时候,不能用学习成绩来评价自己。
B. 回顾自己的人生经历,我们不知道用什么标准来评价自己的学习成绩。
C. 我们反思人生经历时,任何学业成绩都无法衡量我们对自己的认识。
D. 我们反映生活经历时,不能以等级来评定自己处于什么样的水平。
E. 当我们在生活中评价自己时,无法判断我们究竟学到了什么程度。
[填空题]Imagine a product that can be used as medicine, a cleaning agent and a beauty treatment. You can eat it, drink its juice, and _31__ essential oil from it .it is available all over the world, and is inexpensive .You may even have one in your kitchen__32__ Whatis it The lemon! It is thought that lemons__33_ in Southeast Asia. From___34_ they were gradually carried west and toward the Mediernean. Lemon trees thrive in mild _35_,which is why they grow so well in places like Italy, Mexico, Spain, and even parts of African and Asia. A mature tree, depending on the variety and location, can produce36__ from 200 to 1500 lemons a yea. The cultivated(培养的) varieties _37__ in different periods ,making it possible to harvest lemons all year round. You don’t need lots of space to grow a lemon tree. Even a sunny balcony(阳台) enough, __38__ small lemon trees can be grown in pots and can make your house beautiful. They like sunny, wind-free spots where they can soak up the warmth,_3
A. A.plant

[单项选择]Which of the following words can NOT be used to complete the sentence "I can’t reach it; it’s()over my head. "
A. well
B. right
C. just
D. extremely
[单项选择]Today, the world wide web can be used both to search information and to make it (31) to others. Information (32) on webpages is viewed by (33) of browser. The sources of information linked in this way can be located on any computer (34) is also part of the web. Each information source may be linked to an (35) number of other webpages. Hypertext and hyperlinks allow users (36) as receivers of information to (37) from one source of information to another, deciding for themselves which information they wish to (38) to their browser and which links they want to (39) . The addresses of (40) can be found by using the hundreds of search engines which provide (41) to databases which hold information on them. Once a webpage has been found, hyperlinks may point (42) other places of interest on the web. Addresses of webpages also appear in other more (43) media, such as magazines, newspapers and television
[填空题]The drugs used to prevent migraines can block the______ effects , which may cause the blood vessels to expand.

Today, the world wide web can be used both to search information and to make it{{U}} (31) {{/U}}to others. Information{{U}} (32) {{/U}}on webpages is viewed by{{U}} (33) {{/U}}of browser. The sources of information linked in this way can be located on any computer{{U}} (34) {{/U}}is also part of the web. Each information source may be linked to an{{U}} (35) {{/U}}number of other webpages. Hypertext and hyper- links allow users{{U}} (36) {{/U}}as receivers of in- formation to{{U}} (37) {{/U}}from one source of in- formation to another, deciding for themselves which information they wish to{{U}} (38) {{/U}}.to their browser and which links they want to{{U}} (39) {{/U}}The addresses of{{U}} (40) {{/U}}can be found by using the hundreds of search engines Which provide{{U}} (41) {{/U}}to databases which hold information on t
A. specific
B. indefinite
C. definite
D. limited


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