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发布时间:2023-10-21 13:37:49

[单项选择]The high cost for getting there was()by the fact that I fotmd a very cheap place to live.
A. offset
B. participated
C. elaborated
D. reclaimed

更多"The high cost for getting there was"的相关试题:


The high cost of production is severely limiting which operas are available to the public. These costs necessitate reliance on large corporate sponsors, who in return demand that only the most famous operas be produced. Determining which operas will be produced should rest only with ticket purchasers at the box office, not with large corporate sponsors. If we reduce production budgets so that operas can be supported exclusively by box-office receipts and donations from individuals, then the public will be able to see less famous operas.
Which one of the following, if true, would weaken the argument()

A. A few opera ticket purchasers go to the opera for the sake of going to the opera, not to see specific operatic productions
B. The reduction of opera production budgets would not reduce the desire of large corporate sponsors to support operas
C. Without the support of large corporate sponsors, opera companies could not afford to produce any but the most famous of operas
D. Large corporate sponsors will stop supporting opera productions if they are denied control over which operas will be produced
E. The combination of individual donations and box-office receipts cannot match the amounts of money obtained through sponsorship by large corporations
[填空题]Because of the high cost of private country clubs, many American families join their neighbors in building a community or______.

[填空题]In the 1970s, the high standard and cost of living contributed m the emergence of _____________.
[单项选择]How much does one T-shirt cost
A. Ten dollars.
B. Five dollars.
C. Six dollars.
D. Twelve dollars.
[单项选择]I think it is high time we ______ the fact that environmental pollution in this area is getting more serious than before.
A. woke up to
B. must wake up to
C. wake up to
D. are waking up to
[单项选择]I think if is high time we ______ the fact that environmental pollution in this area is getting more serious than before.
A. woke up to B. must wake up to
C. wake up to D. are waking up to
[填空题]It is high time that you (make) ______ the fact known to all.
[单项选择]When the Americans were getting ready to (41) their first men to the moon, an old Irishman was watching them on TV in a restaurant.
There was an Englishman in the restaurant, (42) . And he said to the Irishman, "The Americans are very clever, (43) they They are going to send some men to the moon. It’s a very long way (44) our world."
"Oh, that’s (45) . "The Irishman answered very quickly. "The Irish are going to send some men to the sun (46) a few months’ time. That’s much (47) away than the moon."
The Englishman was very (48) when he heard this. "Oh, yes, it is," he said, "But the sun is (49) hot for people to go to. The Irishman laughed and answered, "Well, we are not stupid, you know. We (50) go to the sun during the day, of course, We’ll go there during the night./

A. nothing
B. all.


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