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发布时间:2023-09-29 10:55:22

[单项选择]What is suggested to the timid persons to overcome their problem()
A. To take an AT course.
B. To go to see a superior.
C. To talk with Dr. Albert.
D. To speak out for themselves.

更多"What is suggested to the timid pers"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What is suggested about the woman
A. She must leave the office early.
B. She has lost track of some personal items.
C. She is running late for a meeting.
D. She is too busy to handle a chore.
[单项选择]What is the woman suggested( ).
A. Going to work on time whether getting enough sleep or not at night.
B. Taking his neighbors to the court.
C. Taking more sleeping medicine at night.
D. Seeing a doctor.
[单项选择]What relationship between the two persons could be
[单项选择]What is suggested for your investment( ).
A. Distributing your money among different companies.
B. Investigating the company before investment.
C. Don’t invest all your money.
D. Comparing different companies before investment.
[简答题]Let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn,how to measure their own understanding,how to know what they know or do not know.

[单项选择]What kind of food combinations is suggested as the most effective to decrease stress( ).
A. Turkey sandwich.
B. Potatoes with chili.
C. Bread and butter.
D. Bread and milk.
[填空题]What do the retired persons usually do
They take ______ jobs.
[单项选择]What is the woman advised to do to overcome jet lag
A. Manage to forget the normal time.
B. Adapt herself to the local time quickly.
C. Keep a consistent sleeping schedule.
D. Consult a doctor as soon as possible.
What is suggested in the passage A. Americans do not have a short sleep in the afternoon. B. Americans like eating with friends. C. Americans don’t eat much on weekends.
[填空题]What is the solution suggested by Mr. Montoya To ______.
[填空题]What should you do if persons remain the danger zone
[简答题]What’s suggested in the last sentence of the passage

[单项选择]What’s the relationship between the two persons?()
A. Wife and husband.
B. Salesman and customer.
C. Teacher and student.
D. Employer and employee.
[单项选择]My wife didn’t ( ) with what you suggested to us.
A. agree to
B. believe in
C. listen to
D. argue about
[填空题]What he said suggested that they (be) ______ no longer friends.
[填空题]What he said suggested that they (be) __________ no longer friends.

Marianne Hardwick was timid and unadventurous, her vitality consumed by physical activity and longing, her intelligence by indecisiveness, but this had less to do with the innate characteristics of the weaker sex (as her father, Creighton Montgomery, called it) than with the enfeebling circumstances of here upbringing. Creighton Montgomery had enough money to mould his daughters according to his misconceptions: girls were not meant to fend for themselves so he protected them from life. That means that Marianne Montgomery grew up without making any vital choices for herself. Prevented from acquiring the habits of freedom and strength of character that grow from decision-making, very rich girls, whose parents have the means to protect them in such a crippling fashion, are the last representatives of Victorian womanhood. Though they may have the boldest manners and most up-to-date ideas, they share their great grandmothers’ humble dependence.
Most parents these days ha
A. Angry and indignant.
B. Factual and informative.
C. Humorously critical.
D. Cautiously optimistic.


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