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发布时间:2023-12-18 22:25:02


M: Mr. Abel is giving an interview. Would you like to take a seat here
W: No, thank you. I’d rather come again this afternoon.

What will the woman probably do ()
A. Co to find Mr. Abel.
B. Sit for a while.
C. Leave immediately.
D. Attend the interview.

更多"M: Mr. Abel is giving an interview."的相关试题:


M: I’d like you to come every other day from 4 to 6 to fix the dinner and do the laundry as well.
W: Sure. Do I get paid on an hourly basis or a monthly basis
Q: What most probably is the woman’s occupation ()

A. A cook.
B. A waitress.
C. A washwoman.
D. A domestic helper.

M: Hey, Karen. Look like you’ve got some sun.
W: I guess so. I spent the weekend on the beach.
M: Really That sounds great. Where did you stay
W: Some friends of my parents live there. They invited me there for as long as I want to stay.
M: So why don’t you stay there for a longer time
W: Oh, I have a paper to work on. And I just couldn’t do any serious studying on the beach.
M: I don’t blame you. So what did you do out there I mean besides lying out in the sun.
W: I played some volleyball. I never realized how hard it is to run on sand. I couldn’t get through a whole game because I had to sit down. It’s much easier to run on wet sand near the water.
M: It must be cool. Did you go swimming
W: I intended to. But they said the water wasn’t warm enough for that. So I just wetted in up to my knees.
M: All sounds so relaxing.
W: How about your weekend Don&r
A. She visited her parents.
B. She did some studying on the beach.
C. She relaxed on the beach.
D. She wrote a paper.

[单项选择]A. Because I like you.
B. Because I’m not angry with you.
C. Because it’s a bad idea.

M: Hey, Sophie, looks like you’ve got some sun this weekend.
W: Yeah, I guess so. I spent the weekend at the beach.
M: Oh, that’s great. Where did you stay
W: Some friends of my parents live out there and they invited me for as long as I wanted to stay.
M: So what are you doing back here already
W: Oh, I have a paper to work on and I just couldn’t do any serious studying at the beach.
M: I don’t blame you. So what did you do out there I mean besides lying on the sand obviously.
W: I jogged up and down at the beach and I played some volleyball. You know I never realized how hard’ it is to run on the sand. I couldn’t even get through a whole game before I had to sit down. It’s much easier to run on the wet sand near the water.
M: Not to mention cooler. Did you go swimming
W: I wan
A. She was invited only for the weekend.
B. The weather was too hot.
C. She had an appointment.
D. She had schoolwork to do.

[单项选择]Would you like more coffee I’m sure you would( ).
A. much   
B. few  
C. any  
D. a lot

W: Do you like to play chess
M: I like the game and I play often, but I never learned to play well.

What can we learn from the man’s reply’ ()
A. He hates playing chess.
B. He can play chess well.
C. He does not play chess.
D. He enjoys playing chess.

M: What kind of music do you like
W: I like pop music and rock music. But, rock music is my favorite.

What kind of music does the woman like best ()
A. Pop music.
B. Classical music.
C. Rock music.
D. Country music.
[单项选择]A. I like you. B. Thank you very much.
C. How do you do.’ Glad to see you. D. At 9:00.

M: Mary, would you like to go to the movies with me after dinner
W: Well, I’ll go if you really want me to, but I’m rather tired.

What can we conclude from this conversation ()
A. The woman does not want to go to the movies.
B. The man is too tired to go to the movies.
C. The woman wants to go to the movies.
D. The man wants to go out for dinner.
[单项选择]You are mistaken. She ______ like you.
A. really
B. do
C. does
D. is

M: Would you like to see a menu
W: No, thank you. I already know what I want to order.

What is file probable relationship between the two speakers()
A. Patient and doctor.
B. Waiter and customer.
C. Wife and husband.
D. Secretary and boss.

M: Do you like football
W: Yes, very much.
M: Would you like to go to a match on the 18th of December

Which of the following statements is correct about the woman ( )
A. She will not accept the invitation because she hates football.
B. She will probably accept the invitation though she does not enjoy watching football matches.
C. She will probably accept the invitation because she likes foot ball very much.


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