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发布时间:2024-08-01 00:24:41

[简答题]The power of words, then, lies in their associations--the things they bring up before our minds.

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[简答题]The power of words, then, lies in their associations--the things they bring up before our minds.
[单项选择]The power of words, then lies in their connections—the things they bring up before our minds, in other words, the real power of words mainly lies in their joining of ideas in mind.()
A. 单词的力量在于它们和事物的联系,即单词在我们思考之前所提出的东西,换句话说,单词的真正的力量 主要在于它们将我们头脑里的观点表达出来。
B. 文字的力量在于它与所表达事物的内在关联,即它在我们头脑中所呈现的事物。换言之,文字的 真正的作用在于它把我们头脑内的思想联系在了一起。
C. 单词的作用,于是乎,在于单词与单词的内在联系即它们所带到我们眼前的事物。换句话说,单词的作用主要在于 它们联系了头脑里的思想。
D. 语言的作用在于它们之间的联系。把事物呈现在我们面前。语言的真正魅力在于它们把我们头脑里的思想联合了起来。
[填空题]The Power of Words: Advertising Tricks
The effect that words can have is incredible: to inform, persuade, hurt or ease pain, end war or start one killing thousands or even millions of people. They can get your point across, or destroy any hope of your ideas ever being understood. A major element of advertising is the words, which ones and in what order. The following is several of the specific tricks that are commonly used in advertising.
Black/White Trick
The black/white, or either/or, trick is making a statement that provides insufficient options to your argument. "Love it or leave it" was a big slogan of the 1960s, and it sounds logical. Nevertheless, it provides no other possible options, such as" Love it, or don’t love it, stay or not, you don’t have to agree with me if you don’t want to. "
The reason this fallacy is often called the black/white fallacy is that it denies any other choices on an issue or idea. Using it gives the impression that
[填空题]The power of words has often become debated as to how it can affect our lives. Most successful people tend to agree that you become what you say. Your words are a deeper (36) of what is going on inside your head.
The words you speak can be a blessing on yourself or a condemning attitude that may (37) achieving goals. The power of words lies not just in their sounds and (38) , but in the emotions that they (39) in your life. Words can discourage or evoke extreme enthusiasm. When you speak down upon yourself, you will draw emotions of (40) . If you want to accomplish something, then start with using powerful words that spark (41)
Combined with power visualizations, words become a deadly weapon. They can either be good or bad depending on what you want. Those who are (42) tend to dwell only on discouraging words and always bring up past failures. This produces low self-esteem and is (43) to your mor


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