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发布时间:2024-08-01 03:43:10


Conversation 2
[听力原文] 8-10
W: David. have you ever placed an ad in the Campus Daily
M: Yes. I once did that to sell my bike I no longer needed.
W: When was that
M: Last May. I think. Why do you ask
W: I’m thinking of selling my old book since I am going to graduate.
M: Are they in good condition
W: Pretty good.
M: Well. you can call Berne Li. He is the head of the advertising department of the paper.
W: Do you know what rates they charge
M: Last May it was 10 yuan for the first 30 words and 50 fen for each word added.
W: 10 yuan for the first 30 words. That is not too bad.
M: Yeah. it’s reasonable.
W: Do they charge extra for pictures
M: No. that’s free. But they do charge you more if you Want to put in a bow or something.
W: I see. Thanks. That’s very helpful.
M: It’s a pleasure.

What are the s
A. Selling bike.
B. Selling books.
C. Ad in Campus Daily.
D. Campus Daily.

更多"Conversation 2 [听力原文] 8-10 W: D"的相关试题:


Conversation 2
W: Have you traveled much
M: Well, I’ve been around the world several times!
W: What countries have you visited then
M: I have been to France, Italy, Japan, and Ireland.
W: Why did you visit them Was this just for vacation or work
M: Have you ever been to Britain on vacation
W: Oh, yes. I’ve often been to Britain.

How many countries are mentioned in the conversation ()
A. Three.
B. Four.
C. Five.
D. Six.

Conversation 2
[听力原文] 8-10
W: David. have you ever placed an ad in the Campus Daily
M: Yes. I once did that to sell my bike I no longer needed.
W: When was that
M: Last May. I think. Why do you ask
W: I’m thinking of selling my old book since I am going to graduate.
M: Are they in good condition
W: Pretty good.
M: Well. you can call Berne Li. He is the head of the advertising department of the paper.
W: Do you know what rates they charge
M: Last May it was 10 yuan for the first 30 words and 50 fen for each word added.
W: 10 yuan for the first 30 words. That is not too bad.
M: Yeah. it’s reasonable.
W: Do they charge extra for pictures
M: No. that’s free. But they do charge you more if you Want to put in a bow or something.
W: I see. Thanks. That’s very helpful.
M: It’s a pleasure.

What are the s
A. Selling bike.
B. Selling books.
C. Ad in Campus Daily.
D. Campus Daily.

Conversation 1
W: Can I have breakfast in my room
M: Certainly, madam. Breakfast is served in your room from 7 o’clock until 9. Here’s the menu.
W: I’d like to have Chinese food.
M: Yes, madam. And at what time would you like it
W: About eight o’clock, I think.
M: Very good, madam. And what kind of fruit juice would you like
W: I’d like orange, please.
M: Orange juice. And would you prefer tea or milk
W: Tea, please.
M: Thank you very much. Good night.

Where does this conversation most probably take place()
A. In a restaurant.
B. In a snack-bar.
C. In a tea shop.
D. In a hotel.

Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
M: Excuse me, have you seen my little grey dog as you were walking through the park
W: No, but I’ll look before I leave. What’s her name
M: Her name Actually, I call her Cinders because of her black color.
W: Why isn’t she on a leash
M: She saw a monkey and broke away before I could catch her.
W: Is she afraid of a monkey
M: Yes, because the big monkey is running after her.
W: I see now.

Where does the conversation most likely take place()
A. In the park.
B. In the zoo.
C. At the office.
D. At hom

W: Twenty minutes ago you told me there were no room. But you just gave one to that young lady.
M: You don’t understand, madam. That young lady made a reservation last week.

Where does the conversation most likely take place()
A. In an airplane.
B. In a hotel.
C. In a restaurant.
D. In a store.

W: Excuse me, did you say these jackets were 15 dollars
M: No, I said 50 dollars. Here is the price on the tag.

How much do the jackets cost()
A. The price is not on the tag.
B. $ 15.
C. $ 5.
D. $ 50.


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