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发布时间:2024-01-24 19:45:59


Passage Four
In a recent Sunday school class in a church in the Northeast, a group of eight-to ten-year- olds were in a deep discussion with their two teachers. When asked to choose which of ten stated possibilities they most feared happening their response was unanimous. All the children most dreaded a divorce between their parents.
Later, as the teachers, a man and a woman in their late thirties, reflected on the lesson, they both agreed they’d been shocked at the response. When they were the same age as their students, they said, the possibility of their parents’ being divorced never entered their heads. Yet in just one generation, children seemed to feel much less security in their family ties.
Nor is the experience of these two Sunday school teachers an isolated one. Psychiatrists revealed in one recent newspaper investigation that the fears of children definitely do change in different periods; and in recent times, divorce has bec
A. deeply impressed their teachers
B. had an argument with their teachers
C. feared answering their teachers’ question
D. gave the same response to their teachers’ question

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Passage Four
In a recent Sunday school class in a church in the Northeast, a group of eight-to ten-year- olds were in a deep discussion with their two teachers. When asked to choose which of ten stated possibilities they most feared happening their response was unanimous. All the children most dreaded a divorce between their parents.
Later, as the teachers, a man and a woman in their late thirties, reflected on the lesson, they both agreed they’d been shocked at the response. When they were the same age as their students, they said, the possibility of their parents’ being divorced never entered their heads. Yet in just one generation, children seemed to feel much less security in their family ties.
Nor is the experience of these two Sunday school teachers an isolated one. Psychiatrists revealed in one recent newspaper investigation that the fears of children definitely do change in different periods; and in recent times, divorce has bec
A. responsible for tightening school security
B. no fear of the divorce of their students’ parents
C. no threat of broken family ties when they were ten-year-olds
D. shocked at the divorce rates of their students’ parents

[单项选择]Passage Four
A recent history of the Chicago meat-packing industry and its workers examines how the industry grew from its appearance in the 1830’s through the early 1890’s. Meat-packers, the author argues, had good wages, working conditions, and prospects for advancement within the packinghouses, and did not cooperate with labor agitators since labor relations were so harmonious. Because the history maintains that conditions were above standard for the era, the frequency of labor disputes, especially in the mid-1880’s, is not accounted for. The work ignores the fact that the 1880’s were crucial years in American labor history, and that the packinghouse workers! efforts were part of the national movement for labor reform.
In fact, other historical sources for the late nineteenth century record deteriorating housing and high disease and infa
A. how historians ought to explain the origins of the conditions in the Chicago meat-packing industry
B. why it is difficult to determine the actual nature of the conditions in the Chicago meat-packing industry
C. why a particular account of the conditions in the Chicago meat-packing industry is inaccurate
D. what ought to be included in any account of the Chicago meat-packers’ role in the national labor movement
[单项选择]Sunday school programs available for children of all ages.
A. Children must study the programs every Sunday.
B. If they like, all children can take these programs.
C. The programs only admit children above eight years ol

In a recent Sunday school in a church in the Northeast, a group of eight-to-ten-year-olds were in deep discussion with their two teachers. When asked to choose which of ten stated possibilities they most feared happening their response was unanimous. All the children most dreaded a divorce between their parents.
Later, as the teachers, a man and a woman in their late thirties, reflected on the lesson, they both agreed they’d been shocked at the response. When they were the same age as their students, they said, the possibility of their parents’ being divorced never entered their heads. Yet in just one generation, children seemed to feel much less security in their family ties.
Nor is the experience of these two Sunday school teachers an isolated one. Psychiatrists revealed in one recent newspaper investigation that the fears of children definitely do change in different period; and in recent times, divorce has become one of the most frequently mentione
A. deeply impressed their teachers.
B. had an argument with their teachers.
C. feared answering their teachers’ question.
D. gave the same response to their teachers’ question.


When I was a child in Sunday school, I would ask searching questions like "Angels can fly up in heaven, but how do clouds hold up pianos" and get the same puzzling response about how that was not important, what was important was that Jesus died for our sins and if we accepted him as our savior, when we died, we would go to heaven, where we’d get everything we wanted. Some children in my class wondered why anyone would hang on a cross with nails stuck through his hands to help anyone else; I wondered how Santa Claus knew what I wanted for Christmas, even though I never wrote him a letter. Maybe he had a tape recorder hidden in every chimney in the world.
This literal-mindedness has stuck with me; one result of it is that I am unable to believe in God. Most of the other atheists I know seem to feel freed or proud of their unbelief, as if they have cleverly refused to be sold snake oil. My husband, who was reared in a devout Catholic family, has served as an
A. The Issue of Faith.
B. A Child’s Fancy.
C. The Belief in God.
D. The Combustion of Soul.


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