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发布时间:2023-11-09 23:32:59

[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}
Students who entered lotteries and won spots in New York City charter schools performed better on state exams than students who entered the same lotteries but did not secure charter school seats, according to a study by a Stanford University economist being released recently.
Charter schools, which are privately run but publicly financed, have been faring well on standardized tests in recent years. But skeptics have discounted their success by accusing them of "creaming" the best students, saying that the most motivated students and engaged parents are the ones who apply for the spots.
The study’s methodology (研究方法) addresses that issue by comparing charter school students with students of traditional schools who applied for charter spots but did not get them. Most of the city’s 99 charter schools admit students by
A. Students have to take state exams which are authoritative yardstick.
B. Students in charter schools know very well about how to win a lottery.
C. Students who perform worse on state exams have no access to charter schools.
D. Students in charter schools are superior to others in the aspect of state exams.

更多"{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}} "的相关试题:

[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}
Students who entered lotteries and won spots in New York City charter schools performed better on state exams than students who entered the same lotteries but did not secure charter school seats, according to a study by a Stanford University economist being released recently.
Charter schools, which are privately run but publicly financed, have been faring well on standardized tests in recent years. But skeptics have discounted their success by accusing them of "creaming" the best students, saying that the most motivated students and engaged parents are the ones who apply for the spots.
The study’s methodology (研究方法) addresses that issue by comparing charter school students with students of traditional schools who applied for charter spots but did not get them. Most of the city’s 99 charter schools admit students by
A. prolonging students’ school time
B. bribing educational testing system
C. skimming off the best students
D. burdening students with heavy assignments
[填空题]Passage Two
Sachin and his friends, students from a college in Bangalore, went and stayed with a tribal family in the middle of the jungles. Their (1) was to show them the importance of development. However, they were (2) to see their life style from close quarters. The cock woke them up and their time was (3) by the sun, the moon and finally the seasons. When the students tried to tell them the importance of time management and the (4) of the watch, they were told that from times unknown, they have never used them and had never faced problems.
The whole tribe had no (5) of any product and the men of the tribe went for food and honey together. They knew each other by names and the children were (6) walking into the forest without fear. Tribal people were much (7) than these guys and could walk for hours without (8)
The people who went to change the tribe,
Passage Two
What kind of students can get a reduction for the course
A. Specialist speakers.
B. Retired people.
C. Employers.
D. Senior citizens.

Passage Two
As you are students of English, it’s very possible that you’ll be interested in England.
That’s where the language was first spoken. But England is often called by other names.
This often confuses people and I wonder if you know what these names mean. So, now I would like to tell you about this matter of names. I believe that you have heard people use the names-England, Britain or Great Britain. Let’s see what each of these names means.
If you look at a map of Europe, you’ll see a group of islands-one larger island off the northwest coast, one smaller and many tiny ones. These make up what is called the British Isles (不列颠群岛). The largest island of the British Isles is Britain. It is also called Great Britain. The smaller island is Ireland(爱尔兰).
Britain is divided into three parts: Scotland, Wales and England. But sometimes the Word "England" is used instead of "Britai
A. Wales is the richest of the three.
B. Scotland is the largest of the three.
C. Sometimes English is used instead of Britain.
D. Britain is the only name of the largest island of British Isles.

[单项选择]Passage Five
Students should be allowed to study without worrying about grades. Fortunately, most educators are becoming aware of the fact that students have different interests and abilities. However, the discipline resulting from grades still exists. Grades often cut down creativity. Competing for better grades causes many students to turn down opportunities to pursue music, dramatics and sports. Grades impose a subjective standard of success on everyone. 1 do not demand as some extremists do, that grades be ended immediately. However, ! do believe that less emphasis should be placed on grades. I hope that someday grades will become optional at Village High School.
Magdalena Smith, President
Drama Club
Let’s face the facts about grades. Grades perform three basi
A. students to get good jobs
B. students to participate in music, dramatics, and sports
C. students to compete more for grades
D. educators to have more control over grades


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