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发布时间:2024-02-09 01:23:38

The Evolutionary Future of Biodiversity

Now we are altering the planet more rapidly and profoundly than ever, and much of the diversity produced by half a billion years of evolution could be lost in the next few centuries. We are triggering a mass extinction that could be as severe as the one that ended the reign of the dinosaurs.
Given enough time, biodiversity will recover. Extinctions create new evolutionary opportunities for the survivors: the blossoming of mammals after the dinosaurs died out ultimately led to our evolution, after all. But the aftermath of this Anthropocene ( 地质史上的新时期,称为“人类世”) extinction will not be like any other. Humans have become the main driving force in evolution--and life will never be the same again.
The list of threats we pose to biodiversity is long. We are killing many creatures directly, destroying habitats, introducing exotic predators and diseases, and pumping out pollution. Already, a t

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The Evolutionary Future of Biodiversity

Now we are altering the planet more rapidly and profoundly than ever, and much of the diversity produced by half a billion years of evolution could be lost in the next few centuries. We are triggering a mass extinction that could be as severe as the one that ended the reign of the dinosaurs.
Given enough time, biodiversity will recover. Extinctions create new evolutionary opportunities for the survivors: the blossoming of mammals after the dinosaurs died out ultimately led to our evolution, after all. But the aftermath of this Anthropocene ( 地质史上的新时期,称为“人类世”) extinction will not be like any other. Humans have become the main driving force in evolution--and life will never be the same again.
The list of threats we pose to biodiversity is long. We are killing many creatures directly, destroying habitats, introducing exotic predators and diseases, and pumping out pollution. Already, a t
The Evolutionary Future of Biodiversity

Now we are altering the planet more rapidly and profoundly than ever, and much of the diversity produced by half a billion years of evolution could be lost in the next few centuries. We are triggering a mass extinction that could be as severe as the one that ended the reign of the dinosaurs.
Given enough time, biodiversity will recover. Extinctions create new evolutionary opportunities for the survivors: the blossoming of mammals after the dinosaurs died out ultimately led to our evolution, after all. But the aftermath of this Anthropocene ( 地质史上的新时期,称为“人类世”) extinction will not be like any other. Humans have become the main driving force in evolution--and life will never be the same again.
The list of threats we pose to biodiversity is long. We are killing many creatures directly, destroying habitats, introducing exotic predators and diseases, and pumping out pollution. Already, a tenth o
A. Nature.
B. Humans.
C. Mammals.
D. Dinosaurs.
[简答题]Humans have lost the evolutionary race. We are born without wings. It’s a crucial omission and we are making the environment pay for it.
We like to think we’re the bee’s knees of the natural world but we’re nothing more than bumbling flatfoots. That’s why kookaburras laugh and midges torment us. We are grounded for life and, in our frustration, we’re wrecking the planet.
Wings might seem just fun and frippery, but they would also save the environment. If we could fly, we would not be trampling ecosystems underfoot. Natural habitats that now get bulldozed would flourish because we wouldn’t need roads. There would be no demand for cars, so there wouldn’t be emissions problems.
The common housefly travels 300 times its body length in one second. (1) If in a few generations we could match that, we would reach 2,000 kilometres per hour, which would make ozone-destroying aircraft and land-gabbing airports unnecessary:
Society would benefit enorm
Low-carbon Future:We Can Afford to Go Green

Tackling climate change will cost consumers the earth.Those who campaign for a green revolution are out to destroy our western lifestyles.Such are the cries of opponents of emissions cuts,and their message has political impact:a number of surveys have found that the enthusiasm of voters for policies to reduce climate change falls off as the price tag increases.
However,a new modelling(模型化)exercise suggests that these fears are largely unfounded.It projects that radical cuts to the UK’s emissions will cause barely noticeable increases in the price of food,drink and most other goods by 2050.Electricity and petrol costs will rise significantly,but with the right policies in place,say the modellers,this need not lead to big changes in our lifest
A. imposing higher taxes for petroleum-fuelled vehicles
B. stabilization of the price of daily goods and service
C. the electrification of residential heating and cooking system
D. the prohibition of driving petroleum-fuelled vehicles


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