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发布时间:2024-06-30 06:33:09

Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.
When Canadians need health care, they generally contact a primary health care professional, who could be a family doctor, nurse, nurse practitioner, physiotherapist, pharmacist, etc., often working in a team of health care professionals. Services provide at the first point of contact with the health care system are known for primary health care services and they form the foundation of the health care sys

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Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it and put a slash (/) in the blank.
Last year’s economy should have won the Oscar for
the best picture. Growth in gross domestic product was
4.1 percents; profits soared; exports flourished; and 62.______
inflation stayed around 3 percent for the third year.
Though why so many Americans give the picture a lousy 63.______
rating The answer is jobs. The macroeconomic situation
was good, and the microeconomic numbers we
Directions: This part consists of two short passages. In these passages, there are altogether 20 mistakes. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark ( ∧ ) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.
The improbable chain of events that leads Alexander Fleming 1. ______
to discover penicillin in 1928 is the stuff which scientific myths 2. ______
are made. It was a discovery that would change the course of the history. The active ingredient in that mold, which Fleming
named penicillin, turned to be an infection-fighting agent of 3. ______
enormous potency. When it was finally recognized as what it
was--the efficacious life-saving drug in the world--penicillin 4. ______
would a


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