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发布时间:2024-03-20 23:04:33

[单项选择]______ became literary current during the period of the successful Industrial Revolution.
A. Criticism
B. Modernism
C. Renaissance
D. Romanticism

更多"______ became literary current duri"的相关试题:

[填空题]During which period could British motorists drive without speed limits

[单项选择]In 1979, Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister of Great Britain. Her accession was one of the most important steps in finally making the Chunnel a reality. Thatcher had made it part of her political platform, finally giving the project full political weight. Still, it was not until two years later, when Thatcher met with French President Francois Mitterand for one of their routine economic meetings, that she and he organized a committee to take a new and serious look at building the Chunnel. Both political leaders felt that the underwater tunnel would be advantageous to their respective countries by bringing important financial support to local businesses as well as providing jobs to counteract growing unemployment. Both Thatcher and Mitterand also knew that it would enhance their image worldwide and leave behind a legacy of their respective times in office.
[填空题]Lisa Perez was always optimistic during the period of her unemployment.

[单项选择]Why did unemployment increase during the period discussed in the passage [A] There are fewer jobs in summer. [B] Many companies had dismissed workers. [C] The labor force had grown.
[填空题]During which period was China the sole exporter of tea to Britain
[填空题]It was during the period when Einstein was studying for his doctorate that he began his______.
[单项选择]During a period of protracted illness, the sick can become infirm, ______ both the strength to work and many of the specific skills they once possessed.
A. regaining
B. denying
C. pursuing
D. losing
[判断题]During the period of time charter, the charterer is liable for cost directly connected with the use of the ship, such as bunker costs, crew wages and provisions.
[填空题]Mark Twain was born during the period of the Industrial Revolution.

[单项选择]During what period of time does the novel take place
A. 1400s.
B. 1700s.
C. 1800s.
D. 1900s.
[简答题]For people who plan to depend on UI for a period of time, they should periodically inform the unemployment office about ______.

[单项选择]There is no doubt that we are living in a period of enormous population growth. In the past, it (51) thousands of years for the world’s population to double in size. (52) today there are more people having families and fewer deaths from diseases. As(a) (53) , the population doubles in only 35 years. A(n) (54) supply of food is only one of the human needs that must be (55) . Overcrowding has a highly undesirable effect on life. For example, if every available piece of land were used for producing food, it would be very difficult to (56) proper housing for people, as would health care and recreation. (57) these reasons, more governments are helping families to understand the problems of (58) population. They give ’family planning’ advice to families that request it. Such families can plan to have the number of children they want, at times when they are best able to care (59) children and give them a good start in life.

A. sets
B. plenty
C. amounts
D. varieties


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