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发布时间:2023-09-29 02:43:39

[单项选择]Passage Four
Despite a cooling of the economy, high technology companies are still crying out for skilled workers. The Information Technology Association of America projects that more than 800 000 technology jobs will go unfilled next year. The lack of qualified workers poses a huge threat to the U. S. economy.
The most commonly cited reason for this state of affairs is that the country’s agrarian-age education system, separated from the needs of the business world, fails to prepare students in the primary and secondary grades for twenty-first-century work. Yet an inadequate and outmoded education system is only part of the problem. A less tangible but equally powerful cause is an antique classification system that divides the workforce into two camps: white-collar knowledge workers and blue-collar manual laborers.
Blue-collar workers em
A. 800 000 Technology Jobs Unfilled
B. Gold-collar Workers Needed
C. U.S. Economy Threatened
D. Schools Fail to Train Gold-collar Workers

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[单项选择]Passage Four
Despite a cooling of the economy, high technology companies are still crying out for skilled workers. The Information Technology Association of America projects that more than 800 000 technology jobs will go unfilled next year. The lack of qualified workers poses a huge threat to the U. S. economy.
The most commonly cited reason for this state of affairs is that the country’s agrarian-age education system, separated from the needs of the business world, fails to prepare students in the primary and secondary grades for twenty-first-century work. Yet an inadequate and outmoded education system is only part of the problem. A less tangible but equally powerful cause is an antique classification system that divides the workforce into two camps: white-collar knowledge workers and blue-collar manual laborers.
Blue-collar workers em
A. makes a cooling of the economy
B. decreases the costs of high technology companies
C. emphasizes the importance of unfilled jobs
D. hinders the development of U.S. economy
[填空题]This passage deals with four factors that affect people’s demand for certain demanded goods.
Passage Two

Nearly four years ago, a web-based political movement set itself the modest task of "closing the gap between the world we have and the world most people everywhere want". Calling their group Avaaz, which means "voice" in several languages, the founders aimed to reproduce globally some of the success which their predecessors—like America’s Moveon.org, and Australia’s Getup! —had enjoyed in national political fields.
By its own lights, the movement, using 14 languages and engaged in an astounding list of causes, has had some spectacular successes. Within the next few months, membership will top 6m. The number of individual actions taken is estimated at over 23m. Among the recent developments Avaaz claims to have influenced are a new anti-corruption law in Brazil; a move by Britain to create a marine-conservation zone in the Indian Ocean; and the spiking of a propos
A. A political website has been built four years ago.
B. National politics have been quite enjoyable.
C. Some political campaigns had achieved a lot.
D. Voices in 14 languages has been well aime

Passage One
Despite much loose talk about the new global economy, today’s international economic integration is not unprecedented. The 50 years before the first world war saw large cross-border flows of goods, capital and people. That period of globalization, like the present one, was driven by reductions in trade barriers and by sharp falls in transport costs, thanks to the development of railways and steamships. The present surge of globalization is in a way, a resumption (恢复) of that previous trend. The earlier attempt at globalization ended abruptly with the first world war, after which the world moved into a period of fierce trade protectionism and tight restrictions on capital movement. During the early 1930s, America sharply increased its tariffs, and other countries retaliated (报复), making the Great Depression even greater. The volu
A. large cross-border flows of people
B. development of railways and steamships
C. sharp falls in transport costs
D. emergence of network
[单项选择]Passage Three
Despite the fact that today viruses (病毒) are known to cause cancer in animals and in certain plants, there exists a great reluctance to accept viruses as being of importance in human cancer. Basic biological phenomena generally do not differ strikingly as one goes from one species to another. It should be recognized that cancer is a biological problem and not a problem that is unique for man. Cancer originates when a normal cell suddenly becomes a cancer cell which multiplies widely and without apparent restraint. Cancer may originate in many different kinds of cell, but the cancer cell usually continues to carry certain traits (特性) of the cell of origin. The transformation of a normal cell into a cancer cell may have more than one kind of cause, but them is good reason to consider the relationships that exist between viruses and
A. viruses are known to cause cancer in animals
B. at present, human cancer is not believed to be contagious (传染的)
C. there are many known causes for the transformation of a normal cell to a cancer cell
D. results of experiments on plants and animals do not vary greatly from species tn species


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