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发布时间:2023-10-09 13:25:54


Scientists in the UK have announced that the piranhafish’s reputation (21) a fearsome (22) may well not be deserved. The fish, which is found in the Amazon in Brazil, have been (23) as deadly carnivores (食肉动物) that work in shoals to overwhelm their prey and strip it of its flesh in seconds.
However, experts (24) St Andrews University say that piranhas are omnivores (杂食动物) that mainly eat fish, plants and insects. They form big groups not to hunt but to defend (25) against other predators, according to the team.
"Previously it was thought piranhas shoaled as it (26) them to form a cooperative hunting group," said Professor Anne Magurran. " (27) , we have found that it is primarily a defensive behavior."
Piranhas can be attacked by animals (28) dolphins, caimans and large fish, so forming a shoal is a good way of (29) being killed. Piranhas of (30) A. rate 
B. size 
C. amount 
D. percentage

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Scientists in the UK have announced that the piranhafish’s reputation (21) a fearsome (22) may well not be deserved. The fish, which is found in the Amazon in Brazil, have been (23) as deadly carnivores (食肉动物) that work in shoals to overwhelm their prey and strip it of its flesh in seconds.
However, experts (24) St Andrews University say that piranhas are omnivores (杂食动物) that mainly eat fish, plants and insects. They form big groups not to hunt but to defend (25) against other predators, according to the team.
"Previously it was thought piranhas shoaled as it (26) them to form a cooperative hunting group," said Professor Anne Magurran. " (27) , we have found that it is primarily a defensive behavior."
Piranhas can be attacked by animals (28) dolphins, caimans and large fish, so forming a shoal is a good way of (29) being killed. Piranhas of (30) A. as      
B. as if     
C. as though
D. since

[填空题]Scientists in India have discovered a way to make bamboo plants produce flowers in laboratory. The British (36) Nature recently reported the (37) event. In the wild it can take as long as one hundred and twenty years for some kinds of bamboo to flower, and after the plant (38) its seeds it dies. The bamboo plant is used in many different ways. But because it takes so long to produce seeds, scientists never (39) it a traditional farm crop. The recent (40) in India may change that. The (41) was done at the National Chemical Laboratory in India. Three scientists cut two hundred pieces from two different kinds of bamboo plants; each was a few (42) long. The tiny cuttings were placed in the (43) of coconuts milk, plant-growth hormone and other nutrients. Just a few weeks later, flowers began to appear. (44) . Two weeks after that the plants began to produce seeds. (45) . One of them had not put the b


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