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发布时间:2024-08-01 02:36:45

[单项选择]______ I’m getting married!
A. Can you keep a secret
B. Well I never!
C. Many happy returns.
D. Congratulations!

更多"______ I’m getting married!"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When are Frantic and Mike getting married
A. April.
B. May.
C. June.
D. July.
[单项选择]A) One of his cousins is getting married. B) The final exams are coming.
C) He hasn’t decided what to buy for his cousin. D) He has little time to tour California.
[单项选择]I’m amazed that the young actress married the photographer so soon, for she ______ him very well.
A. won’t have known
B. can’t have known
C. shouldn’t know
D. mustn’t know

M: I don’t know why I married you.The house is always dirty.I never have any clean clothes to Wear.
W: I never promise to do any of these things.You shouldn’t have gotten a famous model like me.

Who is the man talking to ()
A. His teacher.
B. His maid.
C. A famous model.
D. His w ife.
[单项选择]Colin married my sister and I married his brother, ( ) makes Colin and me double in-laws.
A. what
B. which
C. that
D. it
[单项选择]Cohn married my sister and I married his brother,()makes Cohn and me double in-laws.
A. what
B. which
C. that
D. it
[单项选择]M: I had a hard time getting through this novel.
W: I share your feeling. Who can remember the names of 35 different characters
Question: What does the woman imply
A. She has learned a lot from the novel.
B. She also found the plot difficult to follow.
C. She usually has difficulty remembering names.
D. She can recall the names of most characters in the novel

W: I’m getting a part-time job next week.
M: Don’t you think you should concentrate on doing your schoolwork instead

What does the man suggest the woman do ()
A. She should think about becoming a teacher.
B. She really needs a full-time job.
C. She should work hard for the school.
D. She needs to spend her time studying.
[单项选择]Because I married a photographer, once we had children, our holiday cards of course became vehicles for their cuteness and his creativity. In 2000, baby number one’s chubby smiling face in a Santa hat was the cover image. In 2004, our now-four faces were ornaments on a tree. By 2006, we wore stocking caps and lay down in bed together with a thought bubble over our sleeping heads filled with cherries. Our best card was our last, in 2010. We dressed in extravagant holiday finery, gowns, jackets and bow-ties. We titled it: "Don We Now Our Gay Apparel. "
That was two years ago. We mailed it out in envelopes, signed, sealed and delivered by the US Postal Service and its analogues in distant lands. Good cheer and laughs in mailboxes all around! It’s been downhill ever since. By last year, we’d let our mailing list go to seed. We communicated with most of our friends online and no longer had street addresses for them.
I didn’t know it then but my world, my
A. Being used.
B. Out of use.
C. Develop.
D. Available.
[判断题]Lori and I might be married now if it were not for Ted, my elder brother.
[单项选择]I started getting ()two days ago
A. sick  
B. sickly  
C. sickness
D. being sick
[填空题]The best way to avoid getting hooked in Internet is_______.

We were married in 1962. I was 21, he was 24. These were times when it was generally expected that women married young rarely traveled before marriage and were not independent in financial matters. They did not own their own cars or house and mostly lived at home with their parents until marriage. Rarely did women have university degrees, most left school as soon as they reached 15 and worked in what was perceived as ’female’ positions. The assumption was that they would get married, produce children and stay at home to he a mother and so a tertiary education was not considered important unless one came from a family of professionals. It was generally expected that after a few years of marriage, children would eventuate, Contraception was a hit and miss affair and many unplanned pregnancies occurred. It was unusual for a couple not to reproduce, and stranger still that they would choose not to have children. However, I never felt pressure to have a family. My mother a
A. Because there was too much quarrel between a couple.
B. Because their parents lived with them.
C. Because women were usually pregnant unexpectedly.
D. Because they felt bored after marriage.


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