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发布时间:2023-12-16 23:39:50

[单项选择]A. Go to dance. B. Go to the student centre.
C. Go to a party. D. Go to a lecture.

更多"A. Go to dance. B. Go "的相关试题:

{$mediaurl}Why does the student go to see the professor
A. He wants to hear the professor’s comments about his term paper.
B. He would like permission to change the topic of his research.
C. He would like the professor to recommend him for a job.
D. He needs the professor’s advice about redesigning an organization.
{$mediaurl}Why does the student go to see his adviser
A. To find out if he can change one of his classes
B. To ask her for a letter of recommendation
C. To check the time of his registration appointment
D. To learn if he still has required courses to take
[填空题]Whom should a student go to if he or she has any questions
The student should contact ______.


M: Jane, let’s go swimming at the Student Center.
W: I’d like to, Tom, but I have a paper due on Friday, and I haven’t even started it yet.
M: Just an hour. I’ve got n test tomorrow, so I won’t be able to stay very long.
W: I need the exercise, but I just can’t spare the time.
M: Okay, how about dinner at the Grill You have to eat something, and it’s right by the library. I’ll go over there with you after dinner, and you can do your research while I study for my test.
W: Well, but...
M: Come on. You’ll probably want to stay late, and you shouldn’t walk home after dark. I’ll stay until you’re ready to go.
W: That would be nice, but...
M: Look, we really wouldn’t be wasting any time. We’d just be doing everything we need to do, hut we’d be doing it together. I just want to spend time with you.
W: Me, too. Okay. I need to
A. Tom’s test.
B. Jane’s research paper.
C. Go swimming at the Student Center.
D. Plans for the evening.

[单项选择][Al He is a student.
[B] He will go to the hospital.
[C] He hurt his fingers.
[填空题]Kathy was a university student. Like most students she had very little money, but she wanted to buy a car. "If I can buy one really cheap that works," she thought, "I will save money on bus{{U}} (36) {{/U}}. Then I’ll have more to spend on{{U}} (37) {{/U}}" She spent a day looking at cars in the{{U}} (38) {{/U}}car stores. Most of them were much too expensive for her to{{U}} (39) {{/U}}, but at last she found one for $250. The car was rather used and the paint was badly{{U}} (40) {{/U}}, but it worked. "It’s got a good engine," the salesman said, "and the gear box is O.K. Forget everything else." Kathy bought the car and drove it out of the car yard. Everything was wrong with it except for the engine and gear box, which worked very well. "As long as they work," Kathy thought, "nothing else{{U}} (41) {{/U}}The salesman was right." {{U}} (42) {{/U}}, a few days later, while she was driving to her university, a police car drove up beside her and
[单项选择]Why does the student mention the African Student Association
A. Because some jazz lovers are from the African Student Association.
B. Because African music has influenced jazz.
C. Because the African Student Association once held a jazz concert.
D. Because the African Student Association plays jazz very well.


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