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发布时间:2024-08-01 03:08:36

[单项选择]Critical articles on this novel argue that though the plot seems logical, the ending of the novel is( ).
A. tardy
B. ramrod
C. farfetched
D. factitious

更多"Critical articles on this novel arg"的相关试题:

[填空题]Critical Reading Towards Critical Writing
Critical writing depends on critical reading. Doing careful
critical reading of sources and (1) them critically can help you (1)______
to write your own analysis of this subject.
Ⅰ. Critical Reading: What ls It
A. To read critically is to (2) about how a text is argued. (2)______
B. The key:
—Don’t read looking only or primarily for information.
—Do read looking for (3) about the subject matter. (3)______
Ⅱ. How Do We Read Looking for Ways of Thinking
A. Determine the (4) or purpose of the text. (4)______
B. Make some judgments about context.
C. Distinguish the kinds of (5) the text employs. (5)______
D. Examine the (6) the text employs.
[填空题]How to Argue with Your Boss
1 Before you argue with your boss, check with the boss’s secretary to determine his mood. If he ate nails for breakfast, it is not a good idea to ask him for something. Even without the boss’s secretary, they are keys to timing: don’t approach the boss when he’s on deadline; don’t go in right before lunch, when he is apt to be distracted and rushed; don’t go in just before or after he has taken a vacation.
2 If you’re mad. that will only make your boss mad. Calm down first. And don’t let a particular concern open the floodgates for all your accumulated frustration. The boss will feel that you think negatively about the company and it is hopeless trying, to change your mind. Then, maybe he will dismiss you.
3 Terrible disputes can result when neither the employer nor the employee knows what is the problem the other wants to discuss. Sometimes the fight will go away when the issues are made clear. The employee has to get his point across clearly
[单项选择]Opponents of legalization often argue that inside the breast of all doctors, both sides of the argument agree, beats the heart of a Mengele ( ).
A. for whom patients must be protected
B. against whom patients must be protected
C. against whom patients must protect themselves
D. for whom patients must be being protected
[填空题]The schools advocating constructivist math argue the traditional parents are accustomed to being deeply involved ______ their children’s lives.

[单项选择]Some animal behaviorists argue that certain animals can remember past events, anticipate future ones, make plans and choices, and coordinate activities within a group. These scientists, however, are cautious about the extent to which animals can be credited with conscious processing.
Explanations of animal behavior that leave out any sort of consciousness at all and ascribe actions entirely to instinct leave many questions unanswered. One example of such unexplained behavior: Honeybees communicate the sources of nectar to one another by doing a dance in a figure-eight pattern. The orientation of the dance conveys the position of the food relative to the sun’s position in the sky, and the speed of the dance tells how far the food source is from the hive. Most researchers assume that the ability to perform and encode the dance is innate and shows no special intelligence. But in one study, when experimenters kept changing the site of the food source, each time moving the food 25 perc


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