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发布时间:2024-08-01 05:23:37

[单项选择]Free will allows us to indulge our( )passions; freedom leads us in the higher path to unlock life’s mystic secrets.
A. discharging
B. fleeting
C. colluding
D. displacing

更多"Free will allows us to indulge our("的相关试题:

[单项选择]Our parents will show us a film projector for our party. Let’s sit ______ the table and have a look.
A. on
B. near
C. round
D. about
[单项选择]One great benefit of the Web is that it allows us to move information online that now resides in paper form. Several states in America are using the Web in a profound way. You can apply for various permits or submit applications for business licences. Some states are putting up listings of jobs—not just state government jobs, but all the jobs available in the state. I believe, over time, that all the information that governments print, and all those paper forms they now have, will be moved on to the Internet. Electronic commerce notches up month-by-month too. It is difficult to measure, because a lot of electronic commerce involves existing buyers and sellers who are simply moving paperbased transactions to the Web. That is not new business. Microsoft, for example, purchases millions of dollars of PCs online instead of by paper. However, that is not a fundamental change; it has just improved the efficiency of an existing process. The biggest impact has occurred where electronic commerc
A. paperbased transactions are moved on to the Web
B. the efficiency of the existing process is improved by Internet
C. a Web site offers more obscure goods than a physical store
D. new buyers and sellers lind each other on the Internet
[填空题]We cannot feel speed. But our senses let us know that we are moving. We see things (1) past us, and feel that we are being (2) . We can feel acceleration, an increase in speed. But we notice it for only a short time. For instance, we feel it during the take-off run of an airliner. We feel the plane’s acceleration because our bodies don’t gain speed (3) the plane does. It seems that something is pushing us back (4) the seat. Actually, our bodies are trying to stay in the same place while the plane is carrying us forward. Soon the plane (5) a steady speed. Then, because there is (6) any change in speed, the feeling of forward motion stops.
[填空题]Our teacher told us that the earth (move)()around the sun.
[填空题]Mental models guide our perceptions and help us make predictions. Most of our mental models are built 1 the structure of our nervous systems, and we are usually 2 of them.   We 3 the world not according to direct knowledge of reality, but according to mental models, which people often mistake 4 reality. For example, we all share a built-in mental model that the world is continuous, 5 our eyes tell us differently. This built-in mental model tells us what to "see" in a part of the eye that doesn’’t 6 see anything. This "blind spot" model causes us to 7 made-up information (a continuation of surrounding patterns ) and 8 that if we look at a previously hidden spot, it will look like its 9 .   Not all mental models are built in; some we learn or 10 . For example, most people believe that the automobiles driving down the street will not turn 11 the sidewalk and hit pedestrians. If we believe 12 , we would act like 13 squirrels, always stopping to look around and proceeding 14 no automobile
A. A. apply
B. comply
C. supply
D. imply


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