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发布时间:2023-12-15 23:04:41

[填空题]Optimists and pessimists differ in their focus when they look at the same thing.

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[填空题]Optimists and pessimists differ in their focus when they look at the same thing.

[填空题]Most people are half optimists and half pessimists.

Optimists Really Do Live Longer, Say Scientists

1. For the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer optimism was fundamentally wrong, banal and corrupting, while the father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud simply declared it to be neurotic.
2. Experience shows that looking on the bright side of life does have advantages and recent scientific evidence points to the positive mindset as being beneficial to health. In other words optimists live longer.
3. That was the conclusion reached by experts at the Mayo Clinic in the US State of Minnesota who evaluated answers given by people to a set of questions in the l960s. Of the 729 candidates, 200 had died and according to scientists, there were a disproportionate number of pessimists among them.
4. Ten points more on the pessimism scale — that was the difference between "slightly pessimistic" and "averagely pessimistic" — were enough to boost a person’s chances of dying by 19 percen
[填空题]Optimists do not blame themselves when things go wrong.

[单项选择]Passage Five
Architects are hopeless when it comes to deciding whether the public will view their designs as marvels or monstrosities, according to a study by Canadian psychologists. They say designers should go back to school to learn about ordinary people’s tastes.
Many buildings that appeal to architects get the thumbs down from the public. Robert Gifford of the University of Victoria in British Columbia decided to find out whether architects understand public preferences and simply disagree with them, or fail to understand the lay person’s view.
With his colleague Graham Brown, he asked 25 experienced architects to look at photos of 42 large buildings in the US, Canada, Europe and Hong Kong. The architects predicted how the public would rate the buildings on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 represented "terrible” and 10"excellent". A fur
A. the three groups had similar responses to the photos of 42 large buildings
B. the architects generally rated buildings lower than lay people
C. the architects predicted precisely the preferences of lay people
D. no architect could predict the public tastes towards buildings accurately
[单项选择] Communications technologies are far from equal when it comes to conveying the truth. The first study to compare honesty across a range of communications media has found that emails are automatically recorded — and can come back to haunt (困扰) you — appears to be the key to the finding. Jeff Hancock of Cornell University in Ithaca. New York, asked 30 students to keep a communications diary for a week. In it they noted the number of conversations or email exchanges they had lasting more than 10 minutes, and confessed to how many lies they told. Hancock then worked out the number of lies per conversation for each medium. He found that lies made up 14 per cent of emails, 21 per cent of instant messages, 27 per cent of face-to-face interactions and an astonishing 37 per cent of phone calls. His results, to be presented at the conference on human-computer interaction in Vienna, Austria, in April, have surprised psychologists. Some expected entailers to be the biggest liars, reasoni
A. They are afraid of leaving behind traces of their lies.
B. They believe that honesty is the best policy.
C. They tend to be relaxed when using those media.
D. They are most practiced at those forms of communication.


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