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发布时间:2024-06-05 04:02:20

[填空题]At the sad news, she could ___________________ (再也支撑不住了).

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[填空题]At the sad news, she could ___________________ (再也支撑不住了).
[单项选择]The sad news broke her ______ and she has been in bad mood ever since.
A. feelings
B. head
C. heart
D. mind
[填空题]She could not remember what she had dreamed of, 不管她怎样努力.
[单项选择]When she heard the bad news, she ______ completely.
A. broke away
B. broke up
C. broke down
D. broke out
[填空题]______(她表现了很强的自制力) when she was told the sad news.

[填空题]She shouted loudly so that she could make herself ______ (understand).
[单项选择]A. She wishes she could help the man.
B. She has a bigger problem than the man has.
C. She knows a mechanic who can fix the man’s car.
D. The man should buy a new car.
[单项选择]She could have cried, but she had no time to dwell ( )her disappointment, for suddenly a harsh voice hailed her from below.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. for
[单项选择]Although she did not look back she could tell that he was still following. Let()a streetcar, she thought, and really there was one
A. there were
B. there be
C. there being
D. there has been
[单项选择]As she entered the room she could see big bright lights hung from the ().
A. roof
B. top
C. ceiling
D. height
[单项选择]The news that she didn’t pass the GRE test discouraged her,
A. did it
B. didn’t it
C. did she
D. didn’t she
[单项选择]When she(), she could not for a moment recognize her surroundings
A. came to
B. came off
C. came through
D. came over
[单项选择]My mother cries () time she sees a sad movie
A. one   
B. once
C. every  
D. all
[单项选择]If she could sew, ( )
A. she make a dress
B. she would have made a shirt
C. she will make a shirt
D. she would had made a coat
[单项选择]She was so fat that she could only just ______ through the door.
A. assemble
B. appear
C. squeeze
D. gather
[单项选择]She was so fat that she could only just ______through the door.
A. assemble
B. appear
C. squeeze
D. gather
[单项选择]When she ______, she could not for a moment recognize her surroundings.
A. came to B. came off C. came through D. came over


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