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发布时间:2024-08-26 04:16:43

Text 1
NASA launched the first space mission to Pluto yesterday as a powerful rocket hurled the New Horizons spacecraft on a nine-year, three-billion-mile journey to the edge of the solar system
As it soared toward a 2007 meeting with Jupiter, whose powerful gravitational field will shoot it on its way to Pluto. mission managers said radio communications confirmed that the 1,054-pound craft was in good health.
The $700 million mission began when a Lockheed Martin Atlas 5 rocket rose from a launching pad at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 2 p.m., almost an hour later than planned because of low clouds that obscured a clear view of the flight path by tracking cameras.
Less than an hour later, all three stages of the booster rocket worked as planned, and the spacecraft separated from them and sprinted away toward
A. the first experiment on the way to the space run independently by students
B. the first planetary experiment
C. the first one of the seven experiments
D. the first experiment that will not hibernate

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Text 1
NASA launched the first space mission to Pluto yesterday as a powerful rocket hurled the New Horizons spacecraft on a nine-year, three-billion-mile journey to the edge of the solar system
As it soared toward a 2007 meeting with Jupiter, whose powerful gravitational field will shoot it on its way to Pluto. mission managers said radio communications confirmed that the 1,054-pound craft was in good health.
The $700 million mission began when a Lockheed Martin Atlas 5 rocket rose from a launching pad at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 2 p.m., almost an hour later than planned because of low clouds that obscured a clear view of the flight path by tracking cameras.
Less than an hour later, all three stages of the booster rocket worked as planned, and the spacecraft separated from them and sprinted away toward
A. describing a situation
B. justifying an assumption
C. making a comparison
D. presenting a phenomenon
[单项选择]First launched in April this year, Net My Singapore also includes efforts that ______ training, development, and the exploration of new technologies based on.
A. obliterate
B. sequester
C. encompass
D. terminate

The U.S. space agency, NASA, is planning to launch a satellite that scientists hope will answer fundamental questions about the origin and destiny of our universe. (41) _________________.
The prevailing theory of the universe’s origin, the "Big Bang" theory, says all matter and energy were once compressed into a tiny point. The density and resulting temperature were so enormous that, about 13-to-15-billion years ago by current estimates, a mighty explosion flung the matter hurtling outward in all directions. (42) _________________. They also ask, is the expansion accelerating Will the universe collapse What is its shape Scientists will seek explanations with NASA’s new Microwave Anisotropy Probe, abbreviated as MAP. (43) _________________. "MAP will take the ultimate baby picture, an image of the infant universe taken in the fossil light that is still present from the Big Bang," he says. "This glow, this radiation, is the oldest light


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