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发布时间:2023-10-08 03:08:43

[简答题]The toys have to meet strict safety requirements before they can be sold to children.

更多"The toys have to meet strict safety"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How many of the country’s toys have problems
A. 1,500
B. Half of them
C. 483
D. One third of them
[填空题]Safety studies have been done on GM salmon.
[单项选择]You have heard of Webster Toys. Webster’s have made good, safe, interesting toys for more than a hundred years. Now, we sell them, and children play with them, in countries from New Zealand to Norway, and from Japan to Brazil(巴西). We are looking for someone to sell our toys in the Far East. He (or she) will be between the ages of thirty and forty. He will already have some years of selling in world markets behind him. He will speak good English, and at least one other language of the Far east.
The person we are looking for will live in Singapore, and work in our office there, but he will travel for up to six months in any one year. He will know the Far East quite well already. He will know how to sell in old markets, and where to find new ones. He will understand money, and make more than ever before, for himself, and for Webster Toys.
Webster’s want someone who can stand on his own feet. If you think you are the person we are looking for, write to Mr. J. Sloman at our Head O
A. only in countries a long way from each other
B. in countries all over the world
C. in only four countries of the world
D. only in New Zealand, Norway, Japan and Brazil
[填空题]When you have to meet someone from a different culture, be prepared. If you understand cultural differences, you’ll be a better A7 --even before you open your mouth!
In many Western cultures, men stand up before they are introduced to someone (48) . Standing up shows politeness and respect. After that, someone will usually offer to shake hands. But in the East, (49) introductions often begin and end with bowing rather than shaking hands.
Now, let’s look at the simple introduction of shaking hands. Americans like a(n) (50) handshake. But the French (51) a light, short handshake. If you shake a Frenchman’s hand the American way, he may think you’re (52)
People in Eastern European countries and some Latino cultures prefer shorter handshakes, too. Hugging after shaking hands is also a common introduction Don’t be scared or (53) if you meet someone in Brazil andhe gives you a hug. If you
[单项选择]Archaeologists have found wheeled ceramic toys made by the Toltec, twelfth-century inhabitants of what is now Veracruz. Although there is no archaeological evidence that the Toltec used wheels for anything but toys, some anthropologists hypothesize that wheeled utility vehicles were used to carry materials needed for the monumental structures the Toltec produced.
Which of the following, if true, would most help the anthropologists explain the lack of evidence noted above
A. The Toltec sometimes incorporated into their toys representations of utensils or other devices that served some practical purpose.
B. Any wheeled utility vehicles used by the Toltec could have been made entirely of wood, and unlike ceramic, wood decays rapidly in the humid climate of Veracruz.
C. Carvings in monument walls suggest that the Toltec’s wheeled ceramic toys sometimes had ritual uses in addition to being used by both children and adults as decorations and playthings.
D. Wheeled utility vehicles were used during the twelfth century in many areas of the world, but during this time wheeled toys were not very common in areas outside Veracruz.
E. (E) Some of the wheeled ceramic toys were found near the remains of monumental structures.
[多项选择]Do you work faste`r when you have to meet a deadline (Do you work faster when you have to finish your work by a certain time)


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