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发布时间:2023-10-23 17:05:05

{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

If pollution continues to increase at the present rate, formation of aerosols in the atmosphere will cause the onset of an ice age in about fifty years’ time. This conclusion, reached by Dr. S. I. Rasool and Dr. S. H. Schneider, of the United States Goddard Space Flight Center, answers the apparently conflicting question of whether an increase in the carbon di- oxide content of the atmosphere will cause the earth to warm up or increasing the aerosol content will cause it to cool down. The Americans have shown conclusively that the aerosol question is dominant.
Two specters haunting conservationists have been the prospect that meddling with the environment might lead to the planet’s becoming unbearably hot or cold. One of these ghosts has now been laid, because it seems that even an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to eight times its present value will produce an increase in temperatu
A. By absorbing more and more particles.
B. By reflecting much of the sun’s heat.
C. By attracting more and more travelers.
D. By increasing the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere.

更多"{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}} If pollution co"的相关试题:

{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

If pollution continues to increase at the present rate, formation of aerosols in the atmosphere will cause the onset of an ice age in about fifty years’ time. This conclusion, reached by Dr. S. I. Rasool and Dr. S. H. Schneider, of the United States Goddard Space Flight Center, answers the apparently conflicting question of whether an increase in the carbon di- oxide content of the atmosphere will cause the earth to warm up or increasing the aerosol content will cause it to cool down. The Americans have shown conclusively that the aerosol question is dominant.
Two specters haunting conservationists have been the prospect that meddling with the environment might lead to the planet’s becoming unbearably hot or cold. One of these ghosts has now been laid, because it seems that even an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to eight times its present value will produce an increase in temperatu
A. Nuclear power.
B. Fossil fuels.
C. Carbon dioxide.
D. Atom bombs.
[单项选择]If pollution continues to increase at the present rate, formation of aerosols in the atmosphere will cause the onset of an ice age in about fifty years’ time. This conclusion, reached by Dr. S. I. Rasool and Dr. S.H. Schneider of the United States Goddard Space Flight Centre, answers the apparently conflicting questions of whether an increase in the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere will cause the Earth to warm up or increasing the aerosol content will cause it to cool down. The Americans have shown conclusively that the aerosol question is dominant.
Two specters haunting conservationists have been the prospect that environmental pollution might lead to the planet’s becoming unbearably hot or cold. One of these ghosts has now been laid, because it seems that even an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to eight times its present value will produce an increase in temperature of only 2 ℃, which would take place over several thousand years. But the other
A. fire
B. pollution
C. ice age
D. high temperature




[单项选择]Text 2
The history of modem pollution problems shows that most have resulted from negligence and ignorance. We have an appalling tendency to interfere with nature before all of the possible consequences of our actions have been studied in depth. We produce and distribute radioactive substances, synthetic chemicals and many other potent compounds before fully comprehending their effects on living organisms. Our education is dangerously incomplete.
It will be argued that the purpose of science is to move into unknown territory, to explore, and to discover. It can be said that similar risks have been taken before, and that these risks are necessary to technological progress.
These arguments overlook an important element. In the past, risks taken in the name of scientific progress were restricted to a small place and brief period of time.
A. the indifference to the condition of the environment.
B. the lack of the ability to control the progress of science.
C. the inability of science to deal with certain human endeavors.
D. the ignorance of the disposal of pollutants.


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