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发布时间:2023-11-29 18:18:30

[单项选择]{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}
Unlike any other scientific topics, consciousness—the first-person awareness of the world around—is truly in the eye of beholder. I know I am conscious. But how do I know that you are
Through logical analogy—I am a conscious human being, and therefore you as a human being are also likely to be conscious—I conclude I am probably not the only conscious being in a world of biological puppets. Extend it to other creatures, and uncertainty grows. Is a dog conscious An elm A rock
"We don’t have the mythical consciousness meter," said Dr. Chalmers, a professor of philosophy and director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona. "All we have directly to go on is behavior." So without even an elementary understanding of what consciousness is, the idea of instilling it into a machine—or understandi
A. behavior
B. logical deduction
C. laboratory experiment
D. mental testing

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[单项选择]{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}
Unlike any other scientific topics, consciousness—the first-person awareness of the world around—is truly in the eye of beholder. I know I am conscious. But how do I know that you are
Through logical analogy—I am a conscious human being, and therefore you as a human being are also likely to be conscious—I conclude I am probably not the only conscious being in a world of biological puppets. Extend it to other creatures, and uncertainty grows. Is a dog conscious An elm A rock
"We don’t have the mythical consciousness meter," said Dr. Chalmers, a professor of philosophy and director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona. "All we have directly to go on is behavior." So without even an elementary understanding of what consciousness is, the idea of instilling it into a machine—or understandi
A. action speaks louder than words
B. no essential difference exists between human beings and artificial machines
C. human beings in a sense are even inferior to the conscious machines
D. robot is conscious as long as he can have conversation freely with human beings
{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

Unlike any other scientific topics, consciousness—the first-person awareness of the world around—is truly in the eye of beholder. I know I am conscious. But how do I know that you are
Through logical analogy—I am a conscious human being, and therefore you as a human being are also likely to be conscious—I conclude I am probably not the only conscious being in a world of biological pup pets. Extend it to other creatures, and uncertainty grows. Is a dog conscious An elm A rock
"We don’t have the mythical consciousness meter," said Dr. Chalmers, a professor of philosophy and director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona. "All we have directly to go on is behavior." So without even an elementary understanding of what consciousness is, the idea of instilling it into a machine—or understanding how a machine might evolve consciousness—becomes almost unfathomable①A. behavior
B. logical deduction
C. laboratory experiment
D. mental testing
[单项选择]Unlike any other scientific topics, consciousness—the first-person awareness of the world around—is truly in the eye of beholder. I know I am conscious. But how do I know that you are
Through logical analogy—I am a conscious human being, and therefore you as a human being are also likely to be conscious—I conclude I am probably not the only conscious being in a world of biological puppets. Extend it to other creatures, and uncertainty grows. Is a dog conscious An elm A rock
"We don’t have the mythical consciousness meter," said Dr. Chalmers, a professor of philosophy and director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona. "All we have directly to go on is behavior." So without even an elementary understanding of what consciousness is, the idea of instilling it into a machine—or understanding how a machine might evolve consciousness—becomes almost unfathomable.
The field of artificial intelligence started out with dreams of making thinking or co
A. behavior
B. logical deduction
C. laboratory experiment
D. mental testing
[单项选择]Unlike other primroses, self-pollinating primroses do not need to rely on insects for pollination. In many years insect pollinators are scarce, and in those years a typical non-self-pollinating primrose produces fewer seeds than does a typical self-pollinating primrose. In other years, seed production is approximately equal. Thus, self-pollinating primroses have the advantage of higher average seed production. Aside from seed production, these self-pollinating primroses are indistinguishable from non-self-pollinating primroses. Nevertheless, self-pollinating primrose plants remain rare among primroses.
Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy in the information above
A. Insects that collect pollen from primroses do not discriminate between self-pollinating primroses and non-pollinating primroses.
B. When insect pollinators are scarce, non-self-pollinating primroses produce larger seeds that are more likely to germinate than are seeds from self-pollinating primroses.
C. Self-pollinating primroses that are located in areas with few insects produce no fewer seeds than do self-pollinating primroses that are located in areas with many insects.
D. Many primroses are located in areas in which the soil conditions that are optimal for seed germination are not present.
E. (E) Self-pollinating primroses can be assisted by insects during pollination but do not require the assistance of insects to be pollinated.
[填空题]Unlike other countries where it is common to see two women or two men holding hands, such behavior is (26) in Western countries. Affection between same sex (27) is perceived as part of the gay and lesbian lifestyle and not part of (28) America. However, it is common to see men and women holding hands, kissing and hugging in public places. In general, Americans are (29) ones they know and trust. In fact, there are a growing number of books in the so-called "self-help" sections of bookstores that (30) the topic of touching. It appears that many Americans now want to become more attuned (熟悉的) to the topic of physical contact.
A good rule of thumb to follow is avoiding touching people one does not know. Because some visitors come from (31) countries, it is common for them to shove and push when (32) . This is the behavior necessary for (33) , but in the US shoving and pushing is a precarious (危险的)
[简答题]The Internet, unlike other media such as TV or radio, is inherently (本身固有地) a "two-way" medium. A company user can communicate to the rest of the world with ease. It has created a sense of "global community" that’s found almost nowhere else. People around the world post web sites. exchange e-mail, and participate in on-line chats. Going on-line means not just surfing the Web and reading e-mail. It means getting involved in the whole Net community.
[单项选择]Unlike other examples of ______ verse, Milton’s Lycidas does more than merely mourn the death of Edward King; it also denounces corruption in the Church in which King was ordained.
A. satiric
B. elegiac
C. free
D. humorous
E. didactic


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