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发布时间:2024-01-24 06:28:49

[填空题]Bright sunlight streamed through the windows of the()(delight) room.

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[单项选择]From the 18th through the mid-19th century, whale oil provided light to much of the Western world. At its peak, whaling employed 70,000 people and was the United States’ fifth-largest industry. The U. S. stood as the world’s foremost whale slayer. Producing millions of gallons of oil each year, the industry was widely seen as unassailable, with advocates scoffing at would-be illumination substitutes like. lard oil and camphene. Without whale oil, so the thinking went, the world would slide backward toward darkness.
By today’s standard, of course, slaughtering whales is considered barbaric. Two hundred years ago there was no environmental movement to speak of. But one wonders if the whalers, finding that each year they needed to go farther afield from Nantucket Island to kill massive sea mammals, ever asked themselves: what will happen when we run out of whales Such questions today constitute the cornerstone of the ever-louder logic of sustainability.
Climate alarmists and cam
A. killing whales used to be a necessary evil.
B. whale oil could hardly be replaced by lard oil and camphene.
C. whale-killing triggered the modern environmental movement.
D. people can often find substitutes for exhaustible things through innovation.

[单项选择]A. People usually take the same job all through their life.
B. People are less ambitious and more conservative.
C. A good job provides people with a decent salary.
D. A good job can guarantee everything in one’s life.
[填空题]Through monitor screens the product can observe the different outputs while the __________ are in operation.

[填空题]He enjoyed (take)()his sister for walks through the country lanes.
[单项选择]In her bright yellow coat, she was easily () in the crowed.
A. accessible
B. identifiable
C. negligible
D. incredible

Joe ran through the stop sign and was caught by the police officer.
Joe: Sir, did I do anything wrong
Officer: Yes, sir. You ran through the stop sign. (56) your driver license, please
Joe: Oh, (57) , I didn’t see the stop sign at the corner. I didn’t mean it.
Officer: That doesn’t justify your violation. May I see (58) , please
Joe: Oh, sorry sir, I don’t have it on me. Honestly, I forgot it back at the house. But I have the insurance policy with me. (59) .
Officer: (60) here, sir. I’ll come back in a moment.



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