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发布时间:2024-07-11 19:41:36


A. Have enough information
B. Listen to your Gremlin
C. Test them against your values
D. Respect your doubts
E. Trust your gut
F. Weigh up the pro’s and con’s
G. It just doesn’t matter

5 Ways to Stop Second Guessing Yourself

Some years ago I remember standing in my kitchen, staring silently at my boxes of cereal, trying to decide which to have for breakfast. I stood there for 5 minutes, until--utterly frustrated--I marched out of the house and went without. Fortunately I’ve learned to make decisions more quickly and more easily now, and when I notice that second-guessing and doubting starting to kick in, I kick it right back. So here are 5 ways to make confident decisions.
(41) ______.
So many times we have to make decisions without a framework and no way to judge between two choices. When faced with a tricky decision it’s

更多"A. Have enough information B. Lis"的相关试题:


A. Have enough information
B. Listen to your Gremlin
C. Test them against your values
D. Respect your doubts
E. Trust your gut
F. Weigh up the pro’s and con’s
G. It just doesn’t matter

5 Ways to Stop Second Guessing Yourself

Some years ago I remember standing in my kitchen, staring silently at my boxes of cereal, trying to decide which to have for breakfast. I stood there for 5 minutes, until--utterly frustrated--I marched out of the house and went without. Fortunately I’ve learned to make decisions more quickly and more easily now, and when I notice that second-guessing and doubting starting to kick in, I kick it right back. So here are 5 ways to make confident decisions.
(41) ______.
So many times we have to make decisions without a framework and no way to judge between two choices. When faced with a tricky decision it’s

[单项选择]Woman: So you finally listen to your wife’s advice and give up smoking.
Man: It was my doctor’s advice. I’m suffering from high-blood pressure.
Question: What do we learn from the conversation( ).
A. The man no longer smokes.
B. The man is under pressure from his wife.
C. The man usually follows his wife’s advice.
D. The man refuses to listen to his doctor’s advice.
[填空题]By changing your dietary alone, you can have your cholesterol level reduced by 30 percent.

[单项选择]You have your right to be concerned about your future work, whereas the interviewer has his about your ability to do the job.
A. 你有权关注自己未来的工作,并让面试官知道你有能力做这项工作。
B. 你有权关心自己未来的工作,面试官同样也有权关注你的工作能力。
C. 你应该了解自己未来的工作,并使面试官知道你有能力做这项工作。
D. 你应该相信自己未来的工作,面试官同样也知道你能胜任这项工作。

M: Did you have your friend type your term paper
W: My sister did it.

Who typed the term paper()
A. The man.
B. The woman.
C. Her friend.
D. Her sister.
Listen better, manage better

A There is a great difference between listening and hearing. You should make efforts in listening. Listening demands your attention and concentration. It may mean quizzing the speaker for additional information or for clarification. It is always better to ask than to continue regardless and get things wrong. However, if you are absent-minded, even for a few minutes, you’ll miss what the speaker is saying probably at the very moment when he or she is saying something critical. And not having heard, you won’t know you’ve missed anything until it’s too late.
B We are likely to accuse others of not listening, pretending that We ourselves are faultless, yet in our hearts we know that many of the mistakes we make come about because we haven’t listened carefully enough. We get things wrong because we have failed to understand completely what someone meant when they were talking to us. Anyone who has eve
[填空题]I cannot___________________________(感激不尽的)your great kindness.

In the past 20 years, scientists have learnt a great deal about sleep and dreams. They have covered , for example, that sleep and dreams affect the way people feel. A good night’s sleep generally make a person happier in the morning. Dreams also have strong effect on a person’s moods. However, who appears in a dream is more important than what happens. Every person has a special dream character. If the special character appears in dreams, people are happier after sleeping. If there are many people in one’s dream, this has a good effect a person will wake up happier.
A person’s moods affect his or her performance through the day. The level of one’s moods rises and falls during the day. The less sleepy people are, the better they perform, and usually they are more friendly and more clear thinking. Some day scientists hope to be able to control the way people feel and perform.

What affects a person’s perform through the day


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