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发布时间:2024-07-31 18:23:32

[单项选择]There’s nothing simple about gun control, a tangle of legal, political and public-health issues complicated by cultural preferences and regional biases. Passions run high on all sides. Lifelong hunters who
grew up with firearms, urban victims of gun violence, Second Amendment scholars, NRA lobbyists, chiefs of police—they’ve all got cases to make and they make them well, often contentiously.
For the past 15 years, much of the debate has centered on the effectiveness of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, the federal gun-control bill that was passed in 1993. Critics say the focus on law-abiding gun buyers doesn’t address the real issue—bad guys who acquire their weapons illegally. Supporters say that the bill stops thousands of illegal gun purchases and deters crime and violence. Now medical research has come to the rescue, sifting through the data to figure out which legal measures work best to reduce firearm suicides and homicides.
In a paper published in the May i
A. local background checks are more effective than federal checks.
B. state-level background checks are more effective than federal checks.
C. people with mental-health problems are more likely to commit suicide.
D. federal background checks are more effective than local background checks.

更多"There’s nothing simple about gun co"的相关试题:

[单项选择]There’s nothing simple about gun control, a tangle of legal, political and public-health issues complicated by cultural preferences and regional biases. Passions run high on all sides. Lifelong hunters who
grew up with firearms, urban victims of gun violence, Second Amendment scholars, NRA lobbyists, chiefs of police—they’ve all got cases to make and they make them well, often contentiously.
For the past 15 years, much of the debate has centered on the effectiveness of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, the federal gun-control bill that was passed in 1993. Critics say the focus on law-abiding gun buyers doesn’t address the real issue—bad guys who acquire their weapons illegally. Supporters say that the bill stops thousands of illegal gun purchases and deters crime and violence. Now medical research has come to the rescue, sifting through the data to figure out which legal measures work best to reduce firearm suicides and homicides.
In a paper published in the May i
A. is not effective in deterring violence and crimes.
B. imposes very strict restrictions on gun purchase.
C. actually encourages more law-violating guys to acquire guns.
D. is more effective in preventing firearm suicide than homicide.

There’s nothing simple about gun control, a tangle of legal, political and public-health issues complicated by cultural preferences and regional biases. Passions run high on all sides. Lifelong hunters who
grew up with firearms, urban victims of gun violence, Second Amendment scholars, NRA lobbyists, chiefs of police—they’ve all got cases to make and they make them well, often contentiously.
For the past 15 years, much of the debate has centered on the effectiveness of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, the federal gun-control bill that was passed in 1993. Critics say the focus on law-abiding gun buyers doesn’t address the real issue—bad guys who acquire their weapons illegally. Supporters say that the bill stops thousands of illegal gun purchases and deters crime and violence. Now medical research has come to the rescue, sifting through the data to figure out which legal measures work best to reduce firearm suicides and homic
A. is not effective in deterring violence and crimes
B. imposes very strict restrictions on gun purchase
C. actually encourages more law-violating guys to acquire guns
D. is more effective in preventing firearm suicide than homicide


[单项选择]Hopelessly entrapped in the two-year tangle of his own deceit, forced into a confession of past lies, he watched the support of his most loyal defenders collapse in a political maelstrom, driven by their bitterness over the realization that he had betrayed their trust.( )
A. probe
B. confusion
C. finding
D. potential
[单项选择]A surge in gun-safety classes is occurring as states relax laws regarding carrying guns.
A growing number of people—many of them women—are acquiring guns for self-protection, says, Don Cates, a retired professor at the Saint Louis University School of Law who has studied the issue of gun control extensively.
Cates says increased interest from women is a significant factor. "Women used to be told that owning a gun is a man’s thing, " Cates says. "That is not the case anymore because women are being told that they should be able to defend themselves."
The issue of gun rights has jumped back into the spotlight after two recent mass shootings — the July 20 assault on an Aurora, Colo., movie theater that killed 12 and Sunday’s attack on a Sikh temple in Wisconsin that left seven dead, including the gunman.
To accommodate the increased number of students attending gun classes, the National Rifle Association has certified 5,000 additional instructors since April 2011, addi
A. The states have been forced to amend laws about carrying guns.
B. Women have raised awareness of self-protection with guns.
C. Increasing interest in guns has led to two serious shootings.
D. An increased number of women have attended gun-safety classes.
[单项选择]This gun practice should please both pro-and anti-gun control parties. A major, and legitimate, defense of gun ownership is to protect against burglars. The best anti-burglar gun is a double barrelled shotgun loaded with medium size shot, not a hand gun. A shotgun is much easier to aim accurately than a hand gun. It is more intimidating than a hand gun because of its size. It is less likely to actually kill the burglar so there is less inhibition about actually firing it. It is less likely to be stolen by a burglar during your absence because it cannot easily be hidden by him and for the Same reason it is not useful to a street robber. A long gun is much less likely to be played with by children than a hand gun because of its size and weight. (To safety a hand gun by locking it up makes it slow to access if there is a real burglar, while a loaded shotgun can safely be kept by the head of your bed.) The mechanism is simpler so it is less likely than a hand gun, particularly an a
A. the anti-gun control side should be appeased
B. the pro-gun control arguments are groundless
C. a hand gun is inconvenient to use
D. a shotgun is generally better than a hand gun
[单项选择]The accident was () his careless use of gun.
A. because of
B. owing to
C. due to
D. on account of


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