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发布时间:2024-07-28 22:27:31

[单项选择]Mondulkiri Protected Forest is in ______ Cambodia.
What do Mister Jarrett and Miz Woodring do
A. They do recycling pick-up services.
B. They recycle materials through their bicycles.
C. They own a transport service.
D. All of the above are right.

更多"Mondulkiri Protected Forest is in _"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Mondulkiri Protected Forest is in ______ Cambodia.

Mondulkiri Protected Forest is in ______ Cambodia.
A.eastern B.western C.southern D.northern
A. eastern
B. western
C. southern
D. northern
[填空题]Joe Forest

[填空题]The king of the forest.



A. private
B. protected
C. public
D. 非法
Stages of Advertising Strategy
A protected B differentiated C discriminated D separated
[单项选择]Disastrous forest fires are quite often caused by simple carelessness: a dropped butt ignites dead leaves()
A. enflames
B. burns
C. lights
D. blackens
[填空题]Rain forest structure is distinct from most other forest types because of its many layers of vegetation, referred to as strata. The lowest stratum is the understory, composed of palms, herbaceous plants (such as wild ginger), and tree seedlings and saplings. (1) . Many have deep red coloring on the underside of their leaves to capture some of the scarce light that does manage to reach the forest understory. This red coloring enables understory plants to absorb light of different wavelengths than do the plants with rich, green-foliaged canopy, the umbrella-shaped upper structure of trees. Above the forest floor but below the canopy are one or more midstory strata, made up of woody plants, such as large shrubs and midsized trees.
The overstory is the canopy, in which the tree crowns form a continuous layer that captures the major part of the rainwater and sunlight hitting the forest. The height of the canopy varies from region to region and forest to forest, ranging from 20
[单项选择]Three fundamental aspects of (forest conversation) are the protection of immature trees, the use (of proper) harvesting methods, and (provide) for an environment (that supports) reproduction.
A. forest conversation
B. of proper
C. provide
D. that supports

Most forest fires are caused by human carelessness, negligence, or ignorance. Forest fire prevention, therefore, is mainly a problem of creating a better understanding of the importance of forests, an awareness of the danger of fire in the woods, and a sense of personal responsibility to safeguard the forests from danger. This is not an easy job. A city dweller, used to paved streets, does not easily change his smoking habits when he goes into the woods.
Careless smokers are responsible for thousands of forest fires each year. Many of these are started when cigarette butts and matches are thrown from automobiles. Others are caused by hunters, hikers, fishermen, or woods workers who are careless in disposing of their smoking materials. The Forest Service has posted rules in many of the National Forests that prohibit smoking except in certain designated areas. Many of the states have laws against throwing lighted materials from automobiles. The prevention of smoker-caused f
A. smoking in forests
B. the chief causes of forest fires and their prevention
C. changing the attitudes and behavior of millions of people
D. advances in knowledge of fire weather


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