发布时间:2023-09-30 18:32:45

[单项选择]By the first decade of the 21st century, international commercial air traffic is expected ______. vastly beyond today’s levels.
A. to have extended
B. being extended
C. to be extending
D. having been extended

更多"By the first decade of the 21st cen"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the first years of the 21st century, no area of the American economy has excited more emotion than the property market. First came the excitement of soaring prices. Then spirits came crashing down with the subprime crisis, and now homeowners are agonizing over how far values could fall. An even bigger story , however, may be yet to come. America should be bracing itself for the end of the "generational housing bubble", according to a new study by Dowell Myers and SungHo Ryu of the University of Southern California. As the country"s 78 million baby-boomers retire, the report argues, the housing market will change dramatically. For three decades baby-boomers have helped push prices up: they settled down, and then bought bigger houses and second homes. But as the first of them celebrate their 65th birthdays in 2011, this may change. The old sell more homes than they buy. The ratio of old to working-age people is expected to grow by 67% over the next two decades. Will the younger generation be able to buy all the homes on the market Young adults make up the bulk of new demand, with most purchasing homes when they reach their early 30s. The flood of elderly people selling their homes, Mr. Myers suggests, may lead to a drawn-out buyers" market. Prices may fall further as younger people, perceiving a downturn, delay purchasing. This phenomenon will unfold differently across the country. Some states will begin the sell-off later than others. In 15 southern and western states—including the retirement magnets of Florida and Arizon-a—the elderly do not become net sellers until their 70s. Expensive states such as California and the cold states of the mid-west and northeast are likely to lose them more quickly. The mismatch between buyers and sellers may be most acute in the rustbelt, where numbers of young people and immigrants are rising slowly, if at all, says William Frey of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank. Of course, there may be other outcomes. Suburbs, which swelled with the baby-boomers, may begin to decline. If the building industry contracts, home prices may remain more stable. Or developers may switch to serving the old, building more compact housing near amenities. Towns may make new efforts to attract immigrants, who already accounted for 40% of the growth in homeownership between 2000 and 2006. Among these unknowns, one thing is more certain: the housing market is about to enter a long period of transition. The youngest baby-boomers will not turn 65 until 2029."An even bigger story" in Paragraph 1 implies that American property market will
A. continue to be the most exciting field in the American economy.
B. experience more dramatic changes in the following years.
C. make spirits go up with the decreased housing prices.
D. have greater impact on the feelings of homeowners.
[单项选择]The 21st Century English Training Center is different from the other 3 schools in that ______.
A) its teaching quality is better C) its courses are more advanced
B) it is the nearest to the city center D) it requires an entrance examination

A. The 21st Century English Training Center is different from the other 3 schools in that ______.
B. its teaching quality is better
C. it is the nearest to the city center
D. its courses are more advanced
E. it requires an entrance examination
[单项选择]During the first decade of the 20th century, ______ became an international tendency.
A. modernism
B. romanticism
C. realism
D. pre-modernism
[填空题] Jobs in the 21st Century What will our woad be like in 2050 Will families be smaller Will people change jobs and careers frequently Will there be more elderly people Around the world, people are living longer and staying (46) (healthy). People in (47) (economical) rich societies are having fewer children. For example, in the United States in 1980, people over age 65 made up only 11.3 percent of the total (48) In 2050 they will make up over 22 percent. In the 1950s the av (49) families had 4. 8 children. Now the average family has less t (50) one child. The aging population in the U.S. is going to af (51) the job market a great deal. Heahh and (52) (entertain)industries will need many more workers to provide services for older Americans. Jobs in education, es (53) adult education, will be increasing, too, as these older Americans are probably going to go back to school agai
[填空题]In the 21st century, most Americans will marry three or four times

Passage Four
The face of the 21st century is already growing in a laboratory. Getting a piece of the new look could soon be as simple as writing a cheque.
Scientists in recent years have made giant leaps in the artificial production of skin, bones and tissue. While their research has been motivated by a desire to help accident and medical victims, their work is about to go commercial.
The burgeoning (萌芽) cosmetic surgery market has snapped up the technological advances. By the turn of the 21st century, changing your face or improving your body will be limited not by your imagination or desire, but by the size of your bank account.
And there is even work being clone on that, with the costs of cosmetic surgery being cut to make it affordable and accessible for the average woman and her partner.
"It’s no longer a vanity thing, it’s simply making use of the available technology to improve those parts of th
A. breast implant
B. bone structure improvement
C. facial beautification
D. skin replacement


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