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发布时间:2023-12-20 23:42:13

[单项选择]( ) is often called the "backbone of North America", extending from the Northwest to the Southeast of American land.
A. The Appalachian Mountains
B. The Rocky Mountains
C. The Cordillera Range
D. The Cascade Range

更多"( ) is often called the 'backbone o"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Do earthquakes () often in North America
A. break
B. break out
C. happen to
D. occur
[单项选择]A. Latin America. B. North America. C. South America. D. Central America.
[填空题]Bears are found in North America, South America, Europe, and Africa.

[填空题]In America, foster care organization often includes the state’s division of social services, county social services departments and ________.

[填空题]Peoples occupied North America before the arrival of the (1)______
European in the 15th century have long been known as Indians because (2)______
of the belief prevalent at time of Columbus that the Americas were the (3)______
outer reaches of the Indies. Most scholars agree that Native Americans
came into the Western Hemisphere from Asia by the Bering Strait in a (4)______
series of migrations. From Alaska they spread to the east and south. (5)______
Several separate waves of migration are said to count for the many native (6)______
linguistic families, while the common origin used to explain the physical (7)______
characteristics that Native Americans have in common--Mongoloid
features, coarse, straight, black hair, dark eyes, sparse body hair, and
a skin colour range from yellow-brown to reddish brown. Many scholars (8)______

[单项选择]Often called the intellectual leader of the animal-rights movement, Regan "is the foremost philosopher in this country in the field of the moral status of non-rational animals", says Bob Bryan, former chairman of the N.C. State Philosophy and Religion Department. Regan has lectured from Stockholm to Melbourne about the importance of recognizing animals as part of the evolving field of ethics. His books, The Case for Animal Rights and In Defense of Animal Rights, are widely acknowledged as having cemented the roots of the modem animal-rights movement in academia.
To be sure, vegetarianism dates back to Plato and Plutarch. And in America, the first cruelty busts happened in the late 19th century in New York. But society viewed animals largely as properties, until Regan and a handful of other philosophers pushed animal-rights issues into the academic mainstream. Indeed, this academic focus has dramatically altered how Americans approach the ethics of husbandry, some observers say. On
A. animals have some basic rights like people.
B. people should reassess their relationship to animals.
C. animals should not be taken to be properties to people.
D. the way morality is taught in the academic circle should be changed.


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