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发布时间:2023-10-09 03:00:32

[单项选择]A. That’s all right. B. I’m going to Shanghai.
C. I’m fine. Thank you. D. Everything is going well.

更多"A. That’s all right. B."的相关试题:

[单项选择]I’m going to () bank. I’m going to () Lloyd’s Bank.
A. the/the
B. the /-
C. -/the
D. -/-
[单项选择]--Why are you ______ all the pictures
--I’m going to paint the walls.
[A] hanging up [B] taking down [C] carrying out [D] putting off
[填空题]Tonight I’ll go to a party, so I’m going to have my hair ______ (cut) now.


W: how was your interview going
M: I couldn’t feel better about it! The questions were moderate, and I seemed to give proper answers for all of them.

how did the man feel about the interview ()
A. He is sick.
B. He is worried.
C. He is confident.
D. He is sorry.

M: Jane, I’m going to stop smoking when I finish this cigarette.
W: But why are you telling me
M: I need some help. If I tell all my friends I won’t smoke in front of them, I think they will help me.
W: I will stop you whenever you want to smoke.
M: Thanks, Jane.
W: But why don’t you stop now
M: You’re right! I’ll stop right now.

What does the man plan to do ()
A. He plans to give the woman some help.
B. He plans to give up smoking.
C. He plans to call all his friends.
D. He plans to advise all his friends to give up smoking.

W: I’m going to Chicago. What’s it be like there
M: Everything is OK except for the terrible climate.

What can we learn from the conversation ()
A. The woman has just been to Chicago.
B. The man knows little about Chicago.
C. The woman likes Chicago very much.
D. The man doesn’t like the climate in Chicago.

M: I’m afraid I must be going now.
W: Must you It’s still early.
M: I’m afraid I really must. I have to meet a midnight plane.
W: In that case, we can’t keep you.
M: Well, thank you very much for a pleasant evening.
W: Thank you for coming. You must come again.
M: Thank you. I will. Goodbye.
W: Goodbye. I wish you a very good journey home.

Why does the man leave early( ).
A. Because he is too tired.
B. Because he is catching a flight.
C. Because he does not like to stay.
[单项选择]Man: I think I’m going to give up playing tennis. I lost again today.
Woman: Just because you lost Is that the reason to quit
Question: What does the woman imply( ).
A. The man should stick to what he’s doing.
B. The man should take up a new hobby.
C. The man should stop playing tennis.
D. The man should find the cause for his failure.

Today I’m going to look at the sense of hearing. In general, we tend to assume that we all hear the same thing. But, in fact, this seems to be a {{U}} (1) {{/U}} because men and women are increasingly claiming that there are {{U}} (2) {{/U}} in what they hear. So are they right Do men and women have different {{U}} (3) {{/U}} experience
The most fascinating thing about the {{U}} (4) {{/U}} of the ear is that a part that measures three millimeters in a child often will also measure three millimeters in a very tall {{U}} (5) {{/U}}. But can men and women’s hearing vary despite this {{U}} (6) {{/U}} An Australian {{U}} (7) {{/U}} Alan Treece is adamant that they can. He believes that men are better at discerning the {{U}} (8) {{/U}} of a sound than women. Treece is also convinced that women are {{U}} (9) {{/U}} programmed to hear crying babies. He puts it down to the fact that women hear better than men in terms of distinguishi


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