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发布时间:2023-10-21 09:04:37

[简答题]The word SOHO stands for "Small Office, Home Office". To enter into the SOHO life, all you need to have is just a computer, a desk and a chair. Find a remote, good working environment that you can separate yourself and distinguish between your work time and your personal time. Write down all the resources you have. and then match them to your business ideas.
Over 60% of the work opportunities and income generated in the USA comes from small and medium sized businesses. Anyone who really sets their mind to it and is willing to learn, take a few calculated risks, and stick to it can succeed in owning their own small company.
Needless to say, SOHO lifestyle promises great rewards and joy. First of all,you don’t need to follow the strict schedules of office life, struggling out of bed and rushing to your workplace with endless tasks to finish. In addition, you are able to control your own destiny and have immediate feedback for your decisions. Although some describe entrepren

更多"The word SOHO stands for 'Small Off"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The word "Canada" means "village, small house or shanty". In 1435, the French explorer Katie arrived in the land and asked the Indian of the name of the place, the cacique said "Canada" indicating the village nearby. Katie misunderstood it as the name of the whole area, so the place was named Canada from that time.
Canada covers 9,984,670 sq. kilometers, standing the second place in the world. Canada occupies the north part of the North America (except the Alaska Island and the Greenland Island). It faces the Atlantic in the east, close to the Pacific Ocean in the west, bordering America in the south, with the Arctic Ocean to its north. Up till 2002, Canada has got a population of 31,499,500 people.
The earliest inhabitants in Canada were the Indian and the Inuit. From the 17th century, the English and the French colonialists invaded the place and founded the colony. In the "Seven-Year War" between the English and the French which occurred in Canada, the French lost, and ther
A. The cacique.
B. Katie.
C. The villager.
D. The Indian.

Passage Three
Ethics Office Backs Interior Official
The Office of Government Ethics said the Interior Department’s No. 2 official, Steven Griles, did not appear to violate ethics rules by arranging meetings between Interior officials and his former lobbying clients and partners.
The office, after reviewing an 18-month investigation by the Interior Department’s inspector general, said it found no ethics violations by Griles in the department’s awarding of more than $1.6 million i contracts in 2001 and 2002 to Advanced Power Technologies Inc., a former client.
Interior Department Inspector General Earl Devaney said Griles’ behavior is the latest case of an Interior official falling to consider perceived impropriety in his actions. He also called the department’s underfunded ethics office "a train wreck waiting to happen. "
Interior S
A. Griles arranged for official from his office to meet his former clients.
B. Griles was investigated by Earl Devaney.
C. Griles’s Interior Department favored Advanced Power Technologies Inc.in big contracts.
D. Griles improperly violated ethic codes.

[填空题]Dr. Tully is also acting chief technological officer of Helicon Therapeutics.

When did Miss Barton retire from the leading office of Red Cross in U.S.A.
[填空题]When can a student see tile professor in her office

[单项选择]A. The application should be put in the post office.
B. The woman should buy a copy machine.
C. The photocopy machine isn’t available anywhere.
D. The woman can make copies at the post office.
[单项选择]A. He is not sure where the student services office is.
B. He recently got a new student ID card.
C. He is too busy to go to the student services office now.
D. He plans to get his new student ID card on Monday.
[单项选择]You must () the rubbish before you leave the office.
A. dispose of
B. deal with
C. cope with
D. treat with
[单项选择]A. In a restaurant. B. At a post office.
C. In a supermarket. D. At a travel agent.


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