In 1995 about 700,000 robots were
operating in the industrialized world. Over 500,000 were used in Japan, about
120,000 in Western Europe, and about 60,000 in the United States. Many robot
applications are for tasks that are either dangerous or unpleasant for human
beings. In medical laboratories, robots handle potentially dangerous materials,
such as blood or urine samples(尿样). In other cases, robots are used in
repetitive, unchangeable tasks in which human performance might degrade over
time. Robots can perform these repetitive, high-precision operations 24 hours a
day without fatigue. A major user of robots is the automobile industry. General
Motors Corporation uses approximately 16,000 robots for tasks such as spot
welding(点焊), painting, machine loading, parts transfer, and assembly. Assembly
is one of the fastest gnawing in A. rest B. paying C. powering D. being exhausted [单项选择]在“有宗子柏云者,挟是术遍游南北”中,“宗子”之义为()
A. 宗室之子 B. 同宗之子 C. 同宗兄弟中年长者 D. 嫡长子 E. 皇子 [单选题]用灭火器灭火时,灭火器的喷射口应该对准火焰的( )。
A.上空 B.上部 C.中部 D.根部 [单项选择]According to the passage, which one is NOT TRUE
A. In the UK, 29 percent of the boys surveyed in the UK tried binge drink at least 3 times in the previous month. B. 42 percent of boys surveyed had attempted illegal drugs. C. There are more girls indulging in binge drinking according to the survey. D. Binge drinking is defined as drinking more than 5 alcohol one after another. [判断题]猪、牛、羊在左耳中部加施畜禽标识。
[多选题]以下说法哪些是正确的是( )。(中)(消防通信网络与业务系统管理)
A.如果几个动态路由协议都找到了到达同一目标网络的最佳路由,这几条路由都会被加入路由表中。 B.路由优先级与路由权值的计算是一致的 C.路由权的计算可能基于路径某单一特性计算,也可能基于路径多种属性。 D.动态路由协议是按照路由的路由权值来判断路由的好坏,并且每一种路由协议的判断方法都是不一样的。 [单项选择]全球十大环境污染事件之一的“水俣病事件”发生在()
A. 日本熊本县 B. 日本富山县 C. 日本北九州 D. 日本福岛县 [单项选择]工程咨询主要是围绕( )展开的一种服务工作。
A. 投资项目 B. 顾客委托事宜 C. 施工中的具体事宜 D. 建设中的经济分析 [判断题]调车作业 实行 “谁作业、谁防溜(撤除)” 的原则。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交