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发布时间:2023-11-17 19:07:57

[单项选择]Passage6 Questions26to30arebasedonthefollowingpassage. Thebloggingcrazeofacoupleofyearsago,whenitwasestimatedthattennewblogswerestartedsomewhereintheworldeveryminute,nowseemstohavedieddownabit.Yetthousandsofblogs—probablythebetterones—remain.Blogsarenownolongerseenastheexclusivepossessionofgeeks,andarenowseenasimportantandinfluentialsourcesofnewsandopinions.SomanypeoplereadblogsnowthatithasevenbeensuggestedthatsomeblogsmayhavebeenpowerfulenoughtoinfluencetheresultoftherecentU.S.election. Blogsareveryeasytosetup.Allyouneedisacomputer,aninternetconnectionandthedesiretowritesomething.Ablogdiffersfromatraditionalinternetsiteintwoways.First,ablogisonepageconsistingmostlyoftexts,thoughafewpicturesaresometimesprovided.Second,andmoreimportantly,ablogisaspaceforpeopletorespondtowhatyouwrite.Thebestblogsaresimilartoonlinediscussions,wherepeoplewriteinresponsetowhatthebloggerhaswritten.Blogsareregularlyupdated—busyblogsareupdatedeveryday,oreveneveryfewhours. Notallbl
A. non-bloggers
B. virtual democracy
C. U.S. politicians
D. internet connection

更多"Passage6 Questions26to30arebasedon"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage6 Questions26to30arebasedonthefollowingpassage. Thebloggingcrazeofacoupleofyearsago,whenitwasestimatedthattennewblogswerestartedsomewhereintheworldeveryminute,nowseemstohavedieddownabit.Yetthousandsofblogs—probablythebetterones—remain.Blogsarenownolongerseenastheexclusivepossessionofgeeks,andarenowseenasimportantandinfluentialsourcesofnewsandopinions.SomanypeoplereadblogsnowthatithasevenbeensuggestedthatsomeblogsmayhavebeenpowerfulenoughtoinfluencetheresultoftherecentU.S.election. Blogsareveryeasytosetup.Allyouneedisacomputer,aninternetconnectionandthedesiretowritesomething.Ablogdiffersfromatraditionalinternetsiteintwoways.First,ablogisonepageconsistingmostlyoftexts,thoughafewpicturesaresometimesprovided.Second,andmoreimportantly,ablogisaspaceforpeopletorespondtowhatyouwrite.Thebestblogsaresimilartoonlinediscussions,wherepeoplewriteinresponsetowhatthebloggerhaswritten.Blogsareregularlyupdated—busyblogsareupdatedeveryday,oreveneveryfewhours. Notallbl
A. is emerging
B. has become less intense
C. keeps rising
D. remains the same as before
[单项选择]Passage 6
What do the extraordinarily successful companies have in common To find out, we looked for operations. We know that correlations are not always reliable; nevertheless, in the 27 survivors, our group saw four shared personality traits that could explain their longevity (长寿).
Conservatism in financing. The companies did not risk their capital gratuitously (无缘无故地). They understood the meaning of money in an old-fashioned way; they knew the usefulness of spare cash in the kitty. Money in hand allowed them to snap up (抓住) options when their competitors could not. They did not have to convince third-party financiers of the attractiveness of opportunities they wanted to pursue. Money in the kitty allowed them to govern their growth and evolution.
Sensitivity to the world around them. Whether they had built their fortune
A. knowledge on which they built their fortunes
B. easy access to natural resources from which they made money
C. their ability to learn and adapt to changes
D. information on packets carried over vast distances by portage and ship
Passage 6

The Sun today is a yellow dwarf star. It is fueled by thermonuclear reactions near its centerthat convert hydrogen to helium. The Sun has existed in its present state for about 4 billion, 600million years and is thousands of times larger than Earth.
By studying other stars, astronomers can predict what the rest of the Sun’s life will be like.About 5 billon years from now, the core of the Sun will shrink and become hotter. The surfacetemperature will fall. The higher temperature of the center will increase the rate of thermonuclearreactions. The outer regions of the Sun will expand approximately 35 million miles, about thedistance to mercury, which is the closest planet to the Sun. The Sun will then be a red giant star.Temperatures on the Earth will become too hot for life to exist.
Once the Sun has used up its thermonuclear energy as a red giant, it will begin to shrink. After itshrinks to the size of the Earth, it wil
A. To alert people to the dangers posed by the Sun.
B. To discuss conditions on Earth in the far future.
C. To present a theory about red giant stars.
D. To describe changes that the Sun will go through.


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