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发布时间:2024-08-01 00:34:51


The four girls in "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" make a pact. (46)Having found the magic every woman dreams of, a pair of jeans that fits all four of them perfectly, they vow to share them long-distance during their first summer apart.
The jeans must be magic, because the girls’ shapes couldn’t be more different. Petite Lena (Alexis Bledel) is allergic to boys who see her as a beautiful face. Witty Carmen (America Ferrera ) is too curvy to fit into the bridesmaid’s gown ordered for her by Lydia (Nancy Travis), the Southern bride-to-be of her divorced father (Bradley Whitford). Bridget (Blake Lively), a lanky star athlete, has never come to terms with her mother’s suicide. (47) And Tibby (Amber Tamblyn) is a blue-haired cynic whose summer job at a superstore named Wallman’s is paying for video equipment to make her first film.
(48)The girls pass the jeans around to bring them luck when they are separ

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The four girls in "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" make a pact. (46)Having found the magic every woman dreams of, a pair of jeans that fits all four of them perfectly, they vow to share them long-distance during their first summer apart.
The jeans must be magic, because the girls’ shapes couldn’t be more different. Petite Lena (Alexis Bledel) is allergic to boys who see her as a beautiful face. Witty Carmen (America Ferrera ) is too curvy to fit into the bridesmaid’s gown ordered for her by Lydia (Nancy Travis), the Southern bride-to-be of her divorced father (Bradley Whitford). Bridget (Blake Lively), a lanky star athlete, has never come to terms with her mother’s suicide. (47) And Tibby (Amber Tamblyn) is a blue-haired cynic whose summer job at a superstore named Wallman’s is paying for video equipment to make her first film.
(48)The girls pass the jeans around to bring them luck when they are separ


Passage Four
"Family" is of course an elastic word. But when British people say that their society is based on family life, they are thinking of "family" in its narrow, peculiarly European sense of mother, father and children living together alone in their own house as an economic and social unit. Thus, every British marriage indicates the beginning of a new and independent family-hence the tremendous importance of marriage in British life.
For both the man and the woman, marriage means leaving one’s parents and starting one’s own life. The man’s first duty will then be to his wife, and the wife’s to her husband. He will be entirely responsible for her financial support, and she for the running of the new home. Their children will be their common responsibility and theirs alone. Neither the wife’s parents nor the husband’s, nor their brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles, have any right to int
A. Different families have different ways of life.
B. Different definitions could be given to the word.
C. Different nations have different families.
D. Different times produce different families.


Four girls went to school every day by taxi. One day, there was a test (测试) in the morning. The girls didn’t want to take the test, so they decided (决定) to get to school late. "What can we tell the teacher " one of the girls said. They thought for a moment (片刻), and then one of them said, "Let’s tell him that our taxi had a flat tire (车胎气)." "That’s a good idea," the other girls said.
They arrived at school an hour later. The test was finished. "Why are you late You missed the test," the teacher asked. "Our taxi had a flat tire," the girls said. The teacher thought for a moment, and then he said, "Sit down, one of you in each corner (角落) of the room."
The four girls did this. Then the teacher said, "Write the answer to this question: Which tire was flat /

How did the girls go to school every day
A. By bus.
B. By taxi.
C. On foot.

Passage Four
My kids tell me that I am "so 20th century", which troubles me. A person likes to feel that he is "with it", as we used to say in the 20th century.
So I have been thinking how I might change myself into a true 21st-century man. Clearly, in my advanced state of age I would be foolish to attempt some wild leap into the contemporary fashion. And anyway, my distinctive taste attracts much favourable comment.
But if my clothing is too characteristic to change, perhaps I should do something about my lifestyle. So last week I took myself to the NEC for the Smart Home Show which is "the exhibition dedicated to all the latest trends in smart home technology".
It was a shock. How could I have lived for half a century without a fingerprint-operated front door ("Never lock yourself out of your home again!") Or vacuum cleaners that suck dust straight into a dustbin, via a system of pipes in y
A. move to a new house
B. change the way he lived
C. improve his dressing style
D. talk in the most trendy fashion


"Copper" and "bobby" are two of several nicknames that the English policeman has. And "peeler" was the early nickname for the policeman, but this one has died out. Of course, among the criminal part of the community where the police are given more derogatory (贬损的) nicknames which originated in America, such as "fuzz" or "pig".
Visitors to England seem, nearly always to be very impressed by the English police. They are usually very friendly and have helpful sort of character. In London, the policemen spend so much of their time directing visitors about the city that one wonders how they ever find time to do anything else!
Two things are immediately noticeable to the stranger, when he sees an English policeman for the first time. The first is that he does not carry a pistol and the second is that he wears the policeman’s helmet. From time to time it is suggested that the policeman should be given a pistol and t
A. Direct walking people.
B. Tell others the time.
C. Nothing.
D. Show visitors the right way in the city.


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