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发布时间:2023-09-30 15:05:22

[单项选择]Directions: In each of the following antonym questions, a word printed in capital letters precedes five lettered words or phrases. From these five lettered words or phrases, pick the one most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word.
A. nomad
B. sycophant
C. gifted child
D. economical person
E. (E) antagonist

更多"Directions: In each of the followin"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Directions: In each of the following antonym questions, a word printed in capital letters precedes five lettered words or phrases. From these five lettered words or phrases, pick the one most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word.
A. edifice
B. sincerity
C. prejudice
D. creativity
E. (E) affirmation
Directions: Fill in each of the following blanks with ONE word to complete the meaning of the passage. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.
A teacher is someone who communicates information or skill so that someone else may learn. Parents are the (41) teachers. Just by living with their child and (42) their everyday activities with him, they teach him their language, their values and their manners. Information and skills difficult or teach (43) family living are taught in a school by a person (44) special occupation is teaching.
Before 1900 it (45) widely assumed that a man was qualified to teach if he could read and write-and (46) qualified if he knew arithmetic. With modest (47) like these, it is no (48) that teachers had low salaries and little prestige. Literature and history frequently portray teacher (49) fools and ignoramuses.
By the late 19th century, there w
Directions: Below each of the following passages you will find some questions or incomplete statements. Each question or statement is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read each passage carefully, and then select the choice that best answers the question or completes the statement. Mark the letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.
Passage One
It took no time at all for the native Americans who first greeted Christopher Columbus to be all but erased from the face of the earth. For about a thousand years the peaceful people known as the Taino had thrived in modern-day Cuba and many other islands. But less than 30 years after Columbus’ arrival, the Taino would be destroyed by Spanish weaponry, forced labor and European diseases. Unlike their distant cousins, t
A. Christopher Columbus returned the Taino’s greeting with cruelty
B. the Europeans’ coming brought an end to the existence of the Taino
C. the Taino once prosperous in modern-day Cuba now has no trace on earth
D. Spanish weaponry would have crushed the Taino but for Columbus’ arrival


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