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发布时间:2023-11-07 01:50:18

[填空题]In situations of armed conflicts, ethnic or religious violence, civilians in the Andean region who don’t want to join the "right" side are forced to leave their ______ home.

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[填空题]In situations of armed conflicts, ethnic or religious violence, civilians in the Andean region who don’t want to join the "right" side are forced to leave their ______ home.

[单项选择]Two conflicts convinced Western countries that they dared not reduce their forces too drastically. The first was the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990. This came at the height of the happiness at the end of the Cold War and the new era of peace that was expected to follow. By January 1991 it was apparent that attempts to persuade Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein to withdraw through a combination of military threats, economic pressure, and diplomatic inducements had failed. American, British, and French forces found themselves using military equipment and concepts designed to deal with the Warsaw Pact in central Europe to defeat a moderate-sized Third World country. This brought home the lesson that in a world in which total war had become too horrific to contemplate even a limited war was no small matter and would demand considerable commitment.
Even so, the Gulf War was a relatively straightforward confrontation. It was against a known enemy over a clear-cut matter of principle
[单项选择]Conflicts arose between the United States and the Soviet Union because( ).
A. their common enemies Nazi Germany and Japan were defeated
B. they had very different concepts of postwar world order
C. the United States wanted cooperation with the Soviet Union but the Soviet Union refused
D. the Soviet Union wanted cooperation with the United States but the United States refused
[填空题]Overall security can be damaged by conflicts between the refugees and the internally displaced which can be resulted in unfair provision of ______ to them.

[填空题]The passage is mainly about the cultural conflicts created by different perceptions of time and space.

[单项选择]Conversation One
A. Solve the conflicts privately with the inventor.
B. Give the inventor some compensation.
C. Buy the patent from the real inventor.
D. Give all the fake commodities to the inventor.

If gender conflicts continue at their current rate, my partner gloomily observed, men may fade into extinction and women will manage fine without them. What with test-tube babies, cloning, a falling birth-rate, and have-it-all career women prevailing like never before, it seems as if old-fashioned, instinct-driven sexual selection was totally out of fashion. But a study from four British universities suggests it is alive and well, and busy shaping the next generation.
In spite of emancipation, the feminist movement, gender equality, and consistent efforts to avoid gender-stereotyping, men still prefer to marry women who are not too brainy. In the study a high IQ hampered a woman’s chance of getting married, with a 40 percent drop in marital prospects for every 16-point rise. The opposite was true for their male class-mates. Top-earning men were 8 per cent more likely to be married than their low-earning peers.
How interesting that we automatically assume tha
A. the development of medical technology
B. the radical change of our lifestyle
C. the decreasing birth rate of human society
D. the independence of the female gender


Concerning money or anything else, conflicts between husband and wife usually reflect a power struggle. Conflicts between parent and child often center around the same issue. As children enter adolescence, they begin to demand greater freedom to go where they please, do what they please, and make decisions without parental interference. Many American parents do not know how to deal with their teenagers and seek advice from books, lectures, and parent-training courses. Parents want to maintain a friendly relationship with their teenagers and also want to guide them so that their behavior will be whatever the parents consider proper and constructive. But in a society of rapidly changing social and moral values, parents and children often disagree about what is important and what is right. Arguments may concern such unimportant matters as styles of dress or hairdos. But quarrels may also concern school work, after school jobs, decisions, use of the family car, dating, and sexual beh
A. feelings of hatred
B. power struggle
C. that they don’t care for each other
D. that they may appeal to divorce

[单项选择]Ethnic Tensions in Belgium Belgium has given the world Audrey Hepburn, Ren6 Magritte (surrealist artist), the saxophone (萨克斯管) and deep-fried potato chips that are somehow called French. But the story behind this flat, twice-Beijing-size country is of a bad marriage between two nationalities living together that cannot stand each other. With no new government, more than a hundred days after a general election, rumors run wild that the country is about to disappear. "We are two different nations, an artificial state. With nothing in common except a king, chocolate and beer," said Filip Dewinter, the leader of the Flemish Bloc, the extreme-right Flemish party. Radical Flemish separatists like Mr Dewinter want to divide the country horizontally along ethnic and economic lines: to the north, Flanders—where Dutch (known locally as Flemish) is spoken and money is increasingly made; to the south, French-speaking Wallonia, where today old factories dominate the landscape. The area of present-day Belgium passed to the French in the 18th century. Following the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, Belgium was given to the kingdom of the Netherlands, from which it gained independence as a separate kingdom in 1830. Since then, it has struggled for cohesion (结合). Anyone who has spoken French in a Flemish city quickly gets a sense of the mutual hostility that is part of daily life there. But there are reasons Belgium is likely to stay together, at least in the short term. The economies of the two regions are tightly linked, and separation would be a financial nightmare. But there is also deep resentment in Flanders that its much healthier economy must subsidize (补贴) the south, where unemployment is double that of the north. French speakers in the south, meanwhile, favor the status quo (现状). Belgium has made it through previous threats of division. Although some political analysts believe this one is different, there is no panic just now. "We must not worry too much," said Baudouin Bruggeman, a 55-year-old school-teacher. "Belgium has survived on compromise since 1930. You have to remember that this is Magritte"s country, the country of surrealism. Anything can happen."What does this passage mainly talk about
A. Surrealist artists.
B. Belgium"s economy.
C. Cultural clashes in Belgium.
D. Present-day Belgium.


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