发布时间:2024-01-09 21:28:14

[单项选择]The larger a machine and the more numerous its parts, the greater likelihood of a breakdown and the more expensive to repair. What has been said about market forces and management was necessarily oversimplified. The economies of modern industrial nations are large and very complex. To be sure, there is management, and there are market forces at work, but there are also many other factors that help or hinder economic function.
In modern industrial societies, governments play a large role. There is a great amount of regulation, most of it meant for the protection of the public. All regulations affect the way businesses operate, often increasing their costs and reducing their profits. Lower profits, in turn, reduce the amount of money which is known as working capital that a company can use for expansion. Auto emission standards, for instance, have had a significant impact on the manufacture and pricing of automobiles. Other government policies such as taxation, budget deficits, and
A. to review the factors that affect economic operation
B. to explore the causes of periodic economic decline
C. to discuss the role governments play in modern industrialized societies
D. to propose remedies for correcting economic recessions

更多"The larger a machine and the more n"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The larger a machine and the more numerous its parts, the greater likelihood of a breakdown and the more expensive to repair. What has been said about market forces and management was necessarily oversimplified. The economies of modern industrial nations are large and very complex. To be sure, there is management, and there are market forces at work, but there are also many other factors that help or hinder economic function.
In modern industrial societies, governments play a large role. There is a great amount of regulation, most of it meant for the protection of the public. All regulations affect the way businesses operate, often increasing their costs and reducing their profits. Lower profits, in turn, reduce the amount of money which is known as working capital that a company can use for expansion. Auto emission standards, for instance, have had a significant impact on the manufacture and pricing of automobiles. Other government policies such as taxation, budget deficits, and
A. the political system of a nation
B. the economy of a nation
C. the market force
D. the government of a nation
[单项选择]The government has devoted a larger slice of its national()to agriculture than most other countries.
A. resources
B. potential
C. budget
D. economy
[单项选择]Eskimo villages today are larger and more complex than the traditional nomadic groups of Eskimo kinsmen. Village decision making is organized through community councils and co-operative boards of directors, institutions which the Eskimos were encouraged by the government to adopt. They have been more readily accepted in villages like Fort Chimo where there is an individualistic wage ethos and where ties of kinship are less important than in the rural village such as Port
Burwell, where communal sharing between kinsmen is more emphasized. Greater contact with southern Canadians and better educational facilities have shown Fort Chimo Eskimos that it is possible to argue and negotiate with the government rather than to acquiesce passively in its policies.
The old-age paternalism of southern Canadians over the Eskimos has died more slowly in the rural villages where Eskimos have been more reluctant to voice their opinions aggressively. This has been a frustration to governmen
A. This kind of work does not appeal to Eskimos.
B. At certain times the work can be dangerous.
C. The location of the scheme has certain drawbacks.
D. Too few people are involved in it.
[多项选择]As its population grows and more and more peasants flood into its big cities, urban housing problem becomes the number one in China. There is a discussion in a newspaper on this issue and its possible solutions. Please write an essay on the topic Housing Problem in China for the same newspaper to give your opinion. You are required to write three paragraphs and the first sentence of each paragraph is given below:
(1) Housing problem comes hand in hand with population growth.
(2) Despite the mushrooming high buildings, the, provision of living space still falls far short of demands.
(3) Various solutions have been suggested.
Your essay should be no less than 120 words, not including the words given.
[填空题]In order to gains more money from its investors, a corporation may issue split stock.
[单项选择]Though this car is more elegant in appearance, its quality ______ that less fancy one.
A. more inferior than
B. is more inferior to
C. is inferior to
D. is more inferior than
[单项选择]Because of its intimacy, radio is usually more than just a medium; it is ( )
A. firm
B. company
C. corporation
D. enterprise


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