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发布时间:2024-01-18 18:12:54

[单项选择]The author implies that scientists who regard the notion of a final state of truth without skepticism are
Ⅰ. More arrogant or unimaginative than scientists who see science as a perpetual process
Ⅱ. Visionaries who, though not necessarily correct, maintain an optimistic view of the future
Ⅲ. A very significant majority of the scientific community
A. Ⅰ only
B. Ⅱ only
C. Ⅰ and Ⅲ only
D. Ⅱ and Ⅲ only
E. Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ

更多"The author implies that scientists "的相关试题:

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[单项选择]The author would regard the notion that certain proteins are essential to the survival of environmentally resistant endospores as
A. unlikely
B. speculative
C. incontrovertible
D. irrelevant
E. unscientific
[简答题]The author implies that increased accuracy in weather forecasting will lead to______.
[单项选择]The author implies that most small children believe that the quantity of water changes when it is transferred to a container of a different______.
A. color
B. quality
C. weight
D. shape
[填空题]S3. The author implies that increased accuracy in weather forecasting will lead to S3 .


Scientists who believe cell phones are dangerous have been throwing out hypotheses to explain away the negative results. Maybe something about the (34) animals raised their rates of cancer or sperm problems, so (35) the exposed animals didn’t seem to be harmed. Maybe the studies should have used pulsed, (36) radiation rather than a continuous beam, the better to (37) the way we actually use mobile phones. Maybe it matters (38) the lab animals are zapped (39) in a device like a Ferris wheel or while (40) around in cages. On the other hand, if these details do (41) , maybe that in itself is significant.
Scientists who (42) claims that cell-phone radiation is causing an epidemic of brain cancer (43) that there isn’t any mechanism. (44) textbook biophysics, only radiation that has enough energy to ionize molecules—that is, knock off electrons—can (45)
A. work
B. matter
C. exist
D. harm


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