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发布时间:2023-10-10 02:57:59

[填空题]When was this lecture given

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[填空题]When was this lecture given

[多项选择]* Have you ever attended any lecture
* When talking about Western culture, what do you think of
* Do you have any difficulty in learning English
* Did you attend any training program to pass this exam
You will hear a talk given by a university lecturer.As you tisten,you must answer Questions 21~30 by writing NO MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right.You will hear the talk TWICE

What’s the average increase per year of foreign student population in the period between 1985 and 1990 in terms of percentage
[单项选择]When delivering a lecture on ethics in journalism, tile senior correspondent for CNN said that we’re entered into a new era, where the ethics of journalism no longer value truth in the same-way it was valued 20 years ago. There is such an appetite for immediate information that deadlines hardly exist any more. Viewers receive the information nearly as quickly as the reporters do. The problem lies in the fact that viewers get sucked in by the pictures. Those first impressions of a story are lasting, even if they are misleading. Sometimes first impressions are accurate. Sometimes they’re not. The journalists are in the business of getting it right.
Take the role scandal has played in the media for example. There’s been a push away from substance and towards sensationalism, a prominent example being the extensive coverage of the Simpson trial; people get drawn in by the celebrity. Such coverage contributed to the’ coarsening (粗鄙) of our culture. People forever lowered the bar by co
A. The lasting effect.
B. The rapid change.
C. The fast speed.
D. The misleading aspect.
[单项选择]When I arrival, the lecture had already started and the professor ______ something on the blackboard.
A. wrote
B. had been writing
C. is writing D. was writing
When is this talk most likely being given


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