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发布时间:2024-01-23 20:57:12


More than a quarter of American children--and half of black children--belong to families too poor to fully qualify for the $1,000-a-year child tax credit, which President Bush signed four years ago and has cited in arguing that his program of sweeping tax cuts helps low-income families, a new study has found. With an annual value of $47 billion, the credit is the government’s largest children’s subsidy and one that has provoked sharp partisan fights. Many conservatives, viewing it solely as a tax cut, want to reserve the credit for families that owe federal income tax. Many liberals, vie-wing it as a broader children’s allowance, want to extend it to poorer workers, who they say need it most.
Still, the study found that the families of 19.5 million children were too poor to receive the full $1,000 benefit. About half get a partial benefit, and half get nothing. Newt Gingrich, the former Republican House speaker, expressed surprise at the racial gap. &quo
A. are too poor to pay any tax
B. have income tax bills
C. are minority families
D. have very low income

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[单项选择]Every year more than half a million American kids have drainage(排泄) tubes surgically implanted in their ears to combat persistent infections. The procedure, known as tympanostomy, may not be as (62) as the tonsillectomy was in the 1940s, but it now (63) as the nation’s leading childhood (64) and a new study suggests it’s being vastly overused. In (65) more than 6,000 scheduled ear tube operations, a team of experts (66) by Harvard pediatrician Lawrence Kleinman found that fewer than half were clearly justified. "Each year", the researchers write in the current Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), "several hundred thousand children in the United States may be (67) tympanostomy tubes that offer them no demonstrated (68) ...and may place them at increased (69) ."
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