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发布时间:2024-08-22 04:36:06

[单项选择]The environment is everything that surrounds us: plants, animals, buildings, country, air, water--literally everything that can affect us in any way. The environment of a town, with its buildings and traffic and its noise and smells, where everyone is on top of everyone else, is a far cry from that of the countryside, with its fields and crops, its wild and domestic animals and its feeling of spaciousness. And the environment differs in different parts of the world.
Ecology is the science of how living creatures and plants exist together and depend on each other and on the local environment. Where an environment is undisturbed, the ecology of an area is in balance, but if a creature is exterminated or an unfriendly species introduced, then the ecology of the district will upset--in other words, the balance of nature will be disturbed.
Man is a part of the environment and has done more to upset the ecology during his short span on earth than any other living creature. He h
A. the preservation of the environment.
B. plants and animals.
C. the introduction of a variety of species.
D. natural resources.

更多"The environment is everything that "的相关试题:

[填空题]Environment is everything that surrounds us: plants, animals, buildings, country, air, water—in fact everything that can affect us in any way. And environment differs in different parts of the world.
Ecology is the science of how living creatures and plants exist together and depend on each other on the local environment. Where an environment is undisturbed, the ecology of an area is in balance. But if a creature dies out or an alien (相异的) species is introduced, then the ecology of this area will be upset.
Man is a part of the environment and has done more to upset the ecology during his short span on earth than any other living creature. He has poisoned the atmosphere and polluted both land and water. He has wasted the earth’s natural resources with no thought for the future. He has killed a lot of precious animals for his delicacies (精美的食品) on the table and for his elegant overcoats.
Since man has done so much damage, it is up to man to try to put matters right.
[单项选择]The environment is everything that surrounds us: plants, animals, buildings, country, air, water--literally everything that can affect us in any way. The environment of a town, with its buildings and traffic and its noise and smells, where everyone is on top of everyone else, is a far cry from that of the countryside, with its fields and crops, its wild and domestic animals and its feeling of spaciousness. And the environment differs in different parts of the world.
Ecology is the science of how living creatures and plants exist together and depend on each other and on the local environment. Where an environment is undisturbed, the ecology of an area is in balance, but if a creature is exterminated or an unfriendly species introduced, then the ecology of the district will upset--in other words, the balance of nature will be disturbed.
Man is a part of the environment and has done more to upset the ecology during his short span on earth than any other living creature. He h
A. inform people about the science of ecology.
B. urge people to do something about the environment.
C. criticize some actions of human beings.
D. help us understand the world we live in.

The natural environment still manages to fill us with a sense of awe and amazement. Despite the amount of scientific knowledge mankind has gathered, nature still holds great mysteries that we may never be able to unravel. This complexity has continually daunted man.(66)______As a result, we have distanced ourselves from the earth, even though our survival is completely dependent on it. We are now trying to regain our close connection to nature.
(67)______Referred to as "natural architecture", it aims to create a new, more harmonious, relationship between man and nature by exploring what it means to design with nature in mind.
The roots of this movement can be found in earlier artistic shifts like the "land art" movement of the late nineteen sixties. Although this movement was focused on protesting the austerity of the gallery and the commercialization of art, it managed to expand the formal link between art and nature. (68)______
The mo
A. This has helped develop a new appreciation of nature in all forms of art and design.
B. Instead, the structures deliberately expose the natural materials used in the building process.
C. The core concept of the movement is that mankind can live harmoniously with nature, changing and using it for our needs
D. There is an emerging art movement that is exploring mankind’s desire to reconnect to the earth, through the built environment.
E. Because of this, the results often resemble native architecture, reflecting the desire to return to a less technological world.
F. In frustration, we try to control nature by enforcing order.

[填空题] To us, the environment in which fish dwell often seems cold, dark and (36)______. But there are advantages to (37)______water. And (38)______played an important role in making fish what they are. One is that water isn’’t (39)______sudden temperature changes. Therefore it makes (40)______habitat for a cold-blooded animal. Another advantage is the water’’s ability to easily support body weight. Protoplasm has (41)______the same density as water. So fish in water is almost weightless. This weightlessness in turn means two things: 1) Fish can get along with a light weight and a simple bone (42)______. And 2) Limitations to a (43)______size are practically removed. Yet there is one basic difficulty to live in water in fact that it is incompressible. (44)____________. The fish pushes water aside by the forward motion of its head and with a curve of its body and its flexible tail. (45)____________. The fact that water is incompressible has literally shaped the development o


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