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发布时间:2024-08-01 05:44:16

[单项选择]A couple were holding each other close to ()the cold wind that had sprung up.
A. ward off
B. shake off
C. turn off
D. take off

更多"A couple were holding each other cl"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Two experimental garden plots were each planted with the same number of tomato plants. Magnesium salts were added to the first plot but not to the second. The first plot produced 20 pounds of tomatoes and the second plot produced 10 pounds. Since nothing else but water was added to either plot, the higher yields in the first plot must have been due to the magnesium salts.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above
A. A small amount of the magnesium salts from the first plot leached into the second plot.
B. Tomato plants in a third experimental plot, to which a high-nitrogen fertilizer was added, but no magnesium salts, produced 15 pounds of tomatoes.
C. Four different types of tomatoes were grown in equal proportions in each of the plots.
D. Some weeds that compete with tomatoes cannot tolerate high amounts of magnesium salts in the soil.
E. (E) The two experimental plots differed from each other with respect to soil texture and exposure to sunlight.
[单项选择]Evaluating one’s education at the close of each business day, most trained teachers, administrators, politicians, and statesmen made objective analyses of all that has transpired (泄露). They then carefully evaluate performance in the achievement of certain specified objectives. You, as a student, would be wise to adopt the same practice and reflect upon your performance in relating to the achievement of certain personal and educational objectives. First, what was your purpose, your motivational force in seeking an education
Did you seek an education in active performance, or did you seek to be educated in passive reception and automatic regulation of information that was fed to you Was the profit motive your primary motivation for obtaining an education Do you want a better education for the sole purpose of getting a better job What does the educational process really mean to you We are part of the world in which men thrill to the touch of gold and hearts respond to the word "money
A. unhappiness
B. sleeplessness
C. a very bad dream
D. a hazard to your health
[填空题]Because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously, he ____________ (成了这个案件中唯一的证人)

[填空题]When asked that other books were among the prisoners’ favourites______.
[单项选择]Two competitors battle each other in each match of a tournament with nine participants. What is the minimum number of matches that must occur for every competitor to battle every other competitor
A. 27
B. 36
C. 45
D. 64
E. 81
[单项选择]Ancient Greek gymnastics training programs were considered to be an ______ part of the children’s education.
A. infinite
B. intact
C. inclusive
D. integral
[单项选择]Ploughs and other agricultural implements were()on display at the recent exhibition.
A. equations
B. playthings
C. tools
D. machinery
[单项选择]The White House and other federal buildings were ______ as a plane enters the restricted airspace.
A. vacated
B. empty
C. deserted
D. evacuated
[单项选择]Ploughs and other agricultural implements were ()on display at the recent exhibition.
A. equations
B. playthings
C. tools
D. machinery
[单项选择]Who are talking to each other
A. A teacher and a student.
B. A mother and a son.
C. A manager and a worker.
[填空题]person living near to each other


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