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发布时间:2024-02-07 18:09:06

[单项选择]Thorndike reached the summit of his career in 1934, when he was elected president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
A. pinnacle
B. pinpoint
C. edge
D. ridge

更多"Thorndike reached the summit of his"的相关试题:

[填空题]You can judge whether you’ve reached your career turning point after you ______.

[单项选择]He reached()his cigarettes.
A. to
B. out
C. down
D. far
[单项选择]The expedition reached the summit at 10:30 that morning.
A. top of the mountain
B. bottom of the mountain
C. starting point
D. site
[单项选择]His career ______ in his appointment as director.
A. contaminated
B. culminated
C. contracted
D. contacted
Near the beginning of Goethe’s career, when his enthusiasm for Shakespeare was at once the excitement of new discovery and a reflection of the championship of the human spirit in opposition to the formalities of Neoclassicism, be happened upon the autobiography of Gotz yon Berlichingen, a sixteenth-century robber knight who represented himself as a defender of justice and righteousness in the midst of treacherous and Machiavellian princes and nobles. Inspired by these idealistic sentiments, by the new patriotic spirit, and by a strong Rousseauistic conviction in regard to the goodness of the natural instincts of man, Goethe attempted to imitate Shakespeare’s use of historical characters by writing a play about a rather obscure figure in German history. Creating an authentic sixteenth-century background, Goethe also projects something of the Sturm und Drang s
A. Shakespeare
B. neoclassicism
C. Rousseau
D. Sturm und Drang sentiments
[填空题]A medical sales representative begins his career from an entry-level representative to a senior one, then he may become divisional sales managers.

[单项选择]Near the beginning of Goethe’s career, when his enthusiasm for Shakespeare was at once the excitement of new discovery and a reflection of the championship of the human spirit in opposition to the formalities of Neoclassicism, be happened upon the autobiography of Gotz yon Berlichingen, a sixteenth-century robber knight who represented himself as a defender of justice and righteousness in the midst of treacherous and Machiavellian princes and nobles. Inspired by these idealistic sentiments, by the new patriotic spirit, and by a strong Rousseauistic conviction in regard to the goodness of the natural instincts of man, Goethe attempted to imitate Shakespeare’s use of historical characters by writing a play about a rather obscure figure in German history. Creating an authentic sixteenth-century background, Goethe also projects something of the Sturm und Drang sentiments of revolt as the rebellious hero fights against the treachery and meanness of his age.
The play is loosely organize
A. too long
B. well organized
C. an illustration of good dramatic structure
D. lose a sense of direction
[单项选择]Walt Disney started his animation career in Kansas City, Missouri, producing films that were a combination of cartoon and live action and starring a curious little girl named Alice. Hoping for greater success, he moved to Los Angeles in 1923, joining his brother, Roy. Once the creative possibilities with the Alice series were exhausted, Disney started producing films for a new animated character, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, in 1927.
Mickey Mouse was conceived the next year during a cross-country train ride, according to the "official" company history. Walt Disney had just been forced to give up the Oswald rights to his cruel New York distributor, who had exercised copyright control over the character.
On the ride back home to Los Angeles, Disney made up a little mouse named Mortimer. His wife, Lillian, thought the name too pompous(华而不实的) and suggested Mickey.
Steamboat Willie, Mickey’s screen debut, was an instant hit, arriving in the same year, a time when technologi
A. it was the first time that Mickey appeared in films
B. this cartoon was a big success
C. it was the last time that Mickey appeared in films
D. Mickey was the leading role in this film
[单项选择]An embarrassing blunder nearly ( ) his career before it got off the ground.
A. eradicated
B. blighted
C. decayed
D. deteriorate
[单项选择]What is Keith’s achievement in his career
A. He became an excellent dancer.
B. He became a talented pianist.
C. He became a pop music composer.
D. He published several songs.
[单项选择]Why did lan start his career selling sports equipment
A. He was particularly interested in sport.
B. He wanted to promote a healthy lifestyle.
C. He thought it was a profitable area to be in.


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