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发布时间:2024-08-30 00:00:14

[单项选择]How long have the woman been working in the lab
A. Basic research.
B. Develop new products.
C. The dialogue doesn’t tell us.

更多"How long have the woman been workin"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How long have the woman been working in the lab

How long have astronomers studied the planets and other objects in space

For as long as there have been archaeologists, there have been guesses about what they would discover if they were to analyze their own society’s refuse(垃圾) Which such speculations (沉思) often have been humors, they are based on a serious rationale (方式) Archaeologists have learned improtant information about past societies by analyzing the patterns, in arivent garbage (方式) so they should be able to learn something about contemporary societies from fresh garbage. Just as the pieces of pottery (陶器)broken stone tools, and cut animal bones in old refuse middens(垃圾堆)provide a surprisingly detailed (详细的) view of past life styles, so should the labeled packages, food debris (核骸) discarded (抛弃) clothing, and used batteries (电池) in modem middens reveal intimate (个人的)details of our lives today.
Indeed, if our garbage can teach us things about our behaviors as consumers that will enrich(使丰富) human life and help reduce the undesirable (不受欢迎的) environmental consequences of the in
A. is humorous because it is ridiculous to search the refuse
B. is based on a serious rationale and it is just what the archaeologists have done
C. is just a guess for it is impossible for archaeologists to do such a thing
D. is interesting because archaeologists can’t learn anything while doing so


How many people have been to the moon
A. 20.
B. 16.
C. 2.
D. 12.
[单项选择]How long have you ______

A. borrowed the book
B. been back
C. bought the bike
Where are you from
How long have you lived there
How does your hometown compare with... (place where the candidate is currently living)
What about your family
Could you tell us something about your family
What do you do in... (the candidate’s hometown), do you work or study
(If the candidate is already working)
What does your work involve
Is your job something you had always wanted to do
How long do you think you will stay in this job
(If the candidate is still at school, college or university)
What are your favorite subjects at school What exactly are you studying
What type of work are you hoping to do in the future
What qualifications will you need to achieve that
[单项选择]How many people have been evacuated from the area
A. Nearly 2,000.
B. Nearly 20, 000.
C. Nearly 200, 000.
D. Nearly 2, 000, 000.
[填空题]How many elephants have been taken off the streets and brought here to the elephant center
[单项选择]How long has Lily been learning English
[单项选择]In a country which must certainly have been a long way away from where we Rumanians live, all the young people decided to kill all the old people. It’s an old, old story... What was the use of their going on living with white beards and all They had lived their life, they’d had their time and that was that. Anyone who reached the age of fifty or a bit over—he was to be done away with.
Lots of wise old men were killed and lots of wisdom passed away with them.
Only one kind-hearted young man, so they say, took pity on his father; after all, he owed his life to him in the first place. So he hid him away in a cellar and took care of him.
Time passed and a terrible drought came. Meadows and plough lands shriveled and withered and all the springs dried up. There was terrible famine, and sickness and all kinds of troubles came upon the young people thick and fast, and their hair began to go white before its time.
They would have put up with everything as best they
A. Old men are wise and should be respected.
B. Old men should be hidden in the cellar.
C. Old men know where young people could find grain.
D. Young people are not as foolish as old peopl


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