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发布时间:2024-02-24 07:04:19


Into this fence or fortress, with infinite labour, I carry’d all my fiches, all my provisions, ammunition, and stores, of which you have the account above; and I made me a large tent, which, to preserve me from the rains that in one part of the year are very violent there, I made double, viz. one smaller tent within, and one larger tent above it, and covered the uppermost with a large tarpaulin which I had saved among the sails.
A. Identify the author and the title of the novel from which this passage is taken.
B. Who is the narrator
C. What are the narrator’s characteristics and whom does he represent

更多"Into this fence or fortress, with i"的相关试题:

[简答题]border fence

China Labour Statistical Yearbook 2001 is an annual statistics publication, which is comprehensively reported the labour economic situations for 2000 and some main indicators series for historically years at nation and provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities levels and parts of cities, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macao Special Administrative Region in People’s Republic of China.
The book is organized into 13 parts, which are: (1) Comprehensiveness; (2) Employment and Unemployment; (3) Employment and Earnings in Urban Units; (4) Employment and Earnings in State-owned Units; (5) Employment and Earnings in Urban Collective-owned Units; (6) Employment and Earnings in Other Ownership Units; (7) Employment in Private Enterprises and Individuals Both in Urban and Rural Areas, Employment in Township and Village Enterprises; (8) Reform of Labour Social Security System; (9) Social Insurance and Welfare Funds; (10) Vocational Schools and Hours

[填空题]A. labour law D. wage index
B. full-time employment E. basic wage
C. working hours F. gross wage
G. monthly wage L. payroll
H. weekly wage M. unemployment benefit
I. piecework wage N. old-age pension
J. payment in kind O. hourly wage, wage rate per hour
K. daily wage

______工资指数 ______月工资

The taking of the Bastille fortress, a symbol of arbitrary royal authority, was undoubtedly of revolutionary importance, in terms of weakening the monarchy and legitimising popular defiance. But other days have a fair claim to historic symbolism too: August 26th 1789, when the Declaration of the Rights of Man was adopted, for instance, or August 10th 1792, when the Tuileries Palace was stormed and the monarchy suspended. Besides, the commemoration of July 14th scarcely began in revolutionary spirit.
At a military fete to mark its first anniversary in 1790, and to celebrate the new constitutional settlement, the Marquis de Lafayette, a French general, swore an oath "to be forever faithful to the Nation, to the Law and to the King". Dismayed, Jean-Paul Marat, a radical journalist and politician, described the proceedings that day as "shameful", adding: "The Revolution, as yet, has been merely a sorrowful dream for the people!"

[单项选择]Jolene began building a picket fence by planting stakes in a row; the stakes were evenly spaced. After planting the first 10 stakes, Jolene measured the length of the row and found that the row was 27 feet long. She continued the row by planting another 10 stakes, then measured the length of the entire row. How many feet long was the row of stakes Jolene had planted ?()
A. 37
B. 54
C. 57
D. 60
E. 81
[单项选择]What is essential to equality in the labour market according to feminists
A. High rates of female involvement.
B. Shared responsibility for childcare.
C. Higher wages for female employees.
D. Transfer of leave between partners.
[单项选择]Britain, under a Labour government, considered ditching (giving up) its nuclear deterrent as a way of making crucial savings to help pave the way for an International Monetary Fund-backed rescue package during the sterling crisis of 1976, according to previously secret documents.
The crisis at the highest level of government and the British lobbying of international allies for assistance are revealed in Whitehall papers released to the National Archives, under the 30-year rule, covering the months after James Callaghan became prime minister in April 1976. he succeeded Harold Wilson who made his resignation announcement on March 16 after grappling unsuccessfully for months with an economic crisis.
The papers reveal the extent of the panic in 1976 as Britain was forced to go to the IMF to bail out the economy. The crisis was a defining moment, destroying confidence in Labour’s economic competency and paving the way for Margaret Thatcher’s rise to power.
The cabinet a
A. it withdrew its army from Germany in spite of America’s opposition
B. the cuts forecasted turned out to be much higher than it was actually needed
C. the U. S. and Germany provided Britain a loan
D. it found other ways of cost cutting


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