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发布时间:2024-08-01 01:16:57


"Equality between women and men is no longer a negotiable issue." These are strong words of Gertrude Mongella of Tanzania, the Secretary General of the Beijing Women’s Conference. She says equality is at the center of everything which touches women worldwide.
In many societies women are invisible. They grow the crops, bring up the children, take care of the home, sell food they produce in their gardens and work in the informal sector — that sector, which doesn’t get counted when a country’s Gross Domestic Product is calculated. Poor women living on the margin of society, refugee women and migrant women are usually more vulnerable than men in the same circumstances. So unless their special needs are recognized and addressed, many of the world’s women will continue to be on the bottom, worker ants toiling in appalling conditions.
Education is a major need for woman and girls. Today, in spite of repeated calls at international
A. is no longer so important as it used m be
B. is an urgent problem for us to discuss further
C. is a problem to be reconsidered worldwide
D. is an obviously key problem for women worldwide

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"Equality between women and men is no longer a negotiable issue." These are strong words of Gertrude Mongella of Tanzania, the Secretary General of the Beijing Women’s Conference. She says equality is at the center of everything which touches women worldwide.
In many societies women are invisible. They grow the crops, bring up the children, take care of the home, sell food they produce in their gardens and work in the informal sector — that sector, which doesn’t get counted when a country’s Gross Domestic Product is calculated. Poor women living on the margin of society, refugee women and migrant women are usually more vulnerable than men in the same circumstances. So unless their special needs are recognized and addressed, many of the world’s women will continue to be on the bottom, worker ants toiling in appalling conditions.
Education is a major need for woman and girls. Today, in spite of repeated calls at international
A. is no longer so important as it used m be
B. is an urgent problem for us to discuss further
C. is a problem to be reconsidered worldwide
D. is an obviously key problem for women worldwide

[单项选择]"Equality between women and men is no longer a negotiable issue. " These are strong words of Gertrude Mongella of Tanzania, the Secretary General of the Beijing Women’s Conference. She says equality is at the center of everything which touches women worldwide.
In many societies women are invisible. They grow the crops, bring up the children, take care of the home, sell food they produce in their gardens and work in the informal sector — that sector, which doesn’t get counted when a country’s Gross Domestic Product is calculated. Poor women living on the margin of society, refugee women and migrant women are usually more vulnerable than men in the same circumstances. So unless their special needs are recognized and addressed, many of the world’s women will continue to be on the bottom, worker ants toiling in appalling conditions.
Education is a major need for women and girls. Today, in spite of repeated calls at international conferences, education for them is often out o
A. is no longer so important as it used to be
B. is an urgent problem for us to discuss further
C. is a problem to be reconsidered worldwide
D. is an obviously key problem for women worldwide
[单项选择] That question "why women live longer than men" can be answered at two levels. An evolutionary biologist would tell you that it is because women get evolutionary bonus points from living long enough to help bring up the grandchildren. Men, by contrast, wear themselves out competing for the right to procreate in the first place. That is probably true, but not much help to the medical profession. However, a group of researchers at John Moores University has just come up with a medically useful answer. It is that while 70-year-old men have the hearts of 70-year-olds, those of their female peers resemble the hearts of 20-year-olds. David Goldspink and his colleagues looked at 250 volunteers aged between 18 and 80 over two years. All the volunteers were healthy but physically inactive. The team’’s principal finding was that the power of the male heart falls by 20-25% between the ages of 18 and 70, while that of the female heart remains undiminished. They found that between the age
A. female sex hormone can increase blood flow
B. female sex hormone can be beneficial to blood vessels
C. female heart function hardly drops when oestrogen levels fall greatly
D. female heart function improves though not obviously


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