She was slim and he liked her that way.
So he called a lawyer. The result was a contract. According to the document, the
fresh-faced bride agreed to pay a fine for each pound she gained in weight, the
money refundable upon its loss. The paper signed, and the wedding went on. This
is a prenuptial agreement—one more indication of the strange pass of marriage in
this most trans- actional decade. You are welcome to marriage, contractual
style, where increasingly detailed le- gal documents spell out everything from
who’ s going to do the dishes to who’ s going to get the house when you
split. This is family planning taken to extreme. Once employed solely by the rich, second-timers and the old industrialist carrying off the latest young cookie, the prenuptial agreement—a written pact between a couple outlining the financial obligation in the event of divorce—i A. is a part of a comedy film B. is something rare C. is something real and becoming common daily D. is ridiculous [单项选择]How much time did she have between her meeting
A. 6 hours. B. 10 hours. C. 4 hours. D. 1 hour. [单项选择]How much time did she have before her meeting
A. 6 hours. B. 5 hours. C. 4 hours. D. 1 hour. [单项选择]A. He thinks she should visit her cousin.
B. Her cousin doesn’t visit very often. C. Her cousin is feeling a lot better today. D. He doesn’t think her cousin has been at home today. 我来回答: 提交