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发布时间:2023-12-13 07:38:06

[单项选择]How did Nathaniel Bacon die
A. He was killed by Indians.
B. Governor Berkeley had him hanged.
C. He died of malaria.
D. He was accidentally shot by one of the farmers.

更多"How did Nathaniel Bacon die"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How did Nathaniel Bacon die
A. He was killed by Indians.
B. Governor Berkeley had him hanged.
C. He died of malaria.
D. He was accidentally shot by one of the farmers.
[单项选择]Nathaniel Bacon was a man determined to protect his property against Indian raids. He encouraged other Piedmont farmers to do likewise. After Governor Berkeley of Virginia had refused to help them, Bacon and his friends banded together and destroyed a group of attackers in April of 1676. Governor Berkeley declared them traitors, and they assembled a group of some 500 people and marched on Jamestown, the capital, to insist on the governor’s assistance. Berkeley later ordered them al arrested. Because of this, the farmers burned Jamestown and took control of the government. The governor fled.
The fight, which was known as Bacon’s Rebellion, lasted almost a year. Bacon contracted malaria and died in October of 1676, leaving the farmers at the mercy of Governor Berkeley. Twenty-three of them were hanged at his request.
Approximately how long were Bacon and the Farmers able to fight off the governor
A. less than 1 year
B. 5 years
C. 10 years
D. 23 years

How did both Kennedy and Lincoln die
How did Charles travel
A. By car.
B. By plane.
C. By bus.
D. By train.
[单项选择]How did Lucy feel
[单项选择]How did the accident happen
A. The worker was bending down to pick something up and touched one of the wheels.
B. The same worker hit his hand with a shovel.
C. The same worker was closing a door with his hand trapped in it.
[单项选择]How did this accident happen
A. The train was controled by outlaws.
B. The bus went past a stop sign.
C. The train went past a stop sign.
D. The bus hit the oncoming train itself.
[单项选择]How did the lady feel
A. Very happy,
B. Greatly surprised.
C. Rather disappointed.
D. Very angry.
[单项选择]How did Mark get there
A. By train and by car.
B. By plane and by coach.
C. By train and by bus.
D. By bus and by plane.


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