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发布时间:2023-12-09 06:19:32

[填空题] No one had ever believed him, that one summer evening he had wandered on to the docks, under the legs of the biggest crane, and climbed the steel ladder, up, up, and up into the swaying heights of the counterweights and control house. The view over the city had been inspiring-the smoking derelict docklands, with miles of king-fisher-walled warehouses; the sun-tinted towers of distant churches; the cars, like insects, creeping one after the other along the expressway. Clinging (46) the drifting girders, he felt like the most successful man in the w (47) . He crawled, monkey-fashion, along the steel lacework of the jib until he crouched, hundreds of feet up, above the wrinkling khaki river. A flock of sunstruck pigeons whirled in harmony around the control house roof. It was so perfect that he knew he could do it. He stood up, balancing against the breeze, feeling on (48) of the world. Slowly he raised his hands above his head, c (49) gl

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No one had ever believed him, that one summer evening he had wandered on to the docks, under the legs of the biggest crane, and climbed the steel ladder, up, up, and up into the swaying heights of the counterweights and control house.
The view over the city had been inspiring — the smoking derelict docklands, with miles of kingfisher — walled warehouses; the sun-tinted towers of distant churches; the cars, like insects, creeping one after the other along expressway. Clinging to the drifting girders, he felt like the most successful man in the world.
66. ______
It was so perfect that he could do it. He stood up, balancing against the breeze, feeling on top of the world. Slowly he raised his hands above his head, cast a glance upwards into the icy sky, then, just before he lost his balance, he chose to rise on tiptoe and launch himself into a taut dive. He tipped off the jib and began to tilt through the sunset.
The sound whic
[填空题]Even if I had met him,I wouldn’’t have told him about our plan.
[填空题]No one had told him about ________________________(第二天有一场讲座).


The most extraordinary dream I ever had was one in which I fancied that, as I was going into a theater, the cloak-room attendant (21) me in the lobby and insisted on my (22) my legs behind. I was not surprised; but I was considerably annoyed. I said I had (23) heard of such a rule at any respectable theater (24) , and that I considered it a most absurd regulation. The man replied that he was very (25) , but that those were his instructions. People complained that they could not get to and from their (26) comfortably, because other people’s legs were always in the (27) ; and it had, therefore, been decided that (28) should leave their legs outside. It seemed to me that the management, in making this order, had gone (29) their legal right; and, under ordinary circum- stances, I should have disputed it. However, I didn’t want to (30) a disturbance; and (31) I sat down and me
A. quite
B. much
C. do
D. greatly


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